The Presidency of Donald J. Trump v5.0: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes PEANUT BUTTER & BANANAS

Can just ONE Dem hit this guy back as hard as he’s hitting them? JFC

Oppidite itt


I am not sure a response is worth it. He is hanging himself. Don’t interrupt while he ties the knot.


So, is it impeachable to put a hit on a congressman on Twitter?


coughs and prayers for the Black Lung gang


How can you impeach a President for PERFECT stochastic terrorism?

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We will see where she stands after another week of Trump lambasting the purple heart recipient on Twitter. She will fall in line behind dear leader and fox, and they will be trying to lock up Vindman as a spy.

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Holy shit. Ponied by Namath on the tower log. Almost identical post, lol.

Namath did it

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Yeah the coal business is in the middle of a global collapse. It just doesn’t make sense when the alternative forms of power are straight up no subsidy cheaper.

Plus it’s not like there’s a single place on Earth that can actually get away with not caring about climate change in the long run. Coal is a major major driver of the problem so it’s definitely a big part of doing the first 20% of the work that gives us some breathing room to get the rest of the way there.

Never tried Popeyes. How is it?

I’ve had the pleasure of trying real Louisiana fried chicken (shoutout to TJ’s in Lake Charles), but if Popeyes is even half as good then that’s pretty good.

Reminds me of this pic I’ve had on my hard drive since 2002.

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( twitter | raw text )

He’s really not kidding when he says OUR polls. Which isn’t a surprise given the fact that he fired the pollsters who were asking questions to find out what was really happening.

Ben Laden?

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Trump continues to assume that anybody displaying the tiniest amount of integrity, professionalism, or competence is a “Never Trumper”.

I guess that’s actually a pretty safe assumption.


For anything that would impact mass psychology and increase the chances of Trump’s downfall, the Ukraine story is like the punch that lets you know you’re in a real fight now, and the Nats boos is the hit that might knock you out.

It’s been a huge balm to the ointment of Trump’s worst offenses for him to never put publicly put himself in front of mass American ridicule.

Social media and the internet are different. Coverage of protests is different. Rallies and news shows and opinion shows and anything else is different. We can’t help but far more easily dismiss those voices as insignificant. Those events are purposeful denunnehiciations of Trump (ducwidt). You don’t go to a protest and expect anything but cruelty to your opponent, so it’s easier to dismiss.

More than that, those kinds of things are global and disconnected from each other, and even loud groups at a Sanders/Warren rally come across like both sides just trying to win. Of course fans of one team hate the other when they’re at a home game. Of course people fawn over Trump when they go to one of his rallies.

But I think the Nats boos is proving to cause a spectacular shift in mass psychology. This wasn’t a political event, and just the way things are in America, any president but Trump probably would have received at least a cordial applause.

But that was a tsunami of boos. And he wasn’t just booed, it was spontaneous and organic. You can’t help but hear it as authentic. When you look at it, it’s sort of expected that the crowd at that game wouldn’t really like Trump, but that’s fake news.

What really matters is that there is now all the footage you need to shut up footage of nonstop cheers at his rallies. It’s easy to ride the Trump train when you can mainline the adoration of other fans. How nice to go to a Trump rally and mainline Trump-brand heroin. You can easily convince yourself that the Do Nothing Dems are the enemy, but real people, the kind of people you’d find yourself sitting next to at a baseball game, love and appreciate Trump. Or at minimum will respect what he’s accomplished.

Nope. The person you find yourself sitting next to at a baseball game might have thought the same, but instead? They found themselves booing Trump and booing him loudly.

My hope is that as much as this is torturing Trump, I hope it’s torturing anyone who still supports him even more. I hope Trumpers feel a little more uncomfortable in the world than they did two days ago. I hope they have the unshakeable fear that the golden days are over, and if they reveal their support for Trump, they’re just as likely to find themselves drowning.