The Presidency of Donald J. Trump v5.0: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes PEANUT BUTTER & BANANAS

Guess we are lucky someone who was on the phone call will be testifying tomorrow.

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‘What I want to know Chairman Schiff is what happened to the other 8 pages of what they discussed on the call?’

Better than nothing but I’d prefer it if NotBruceZ could decide his fate.


But what about the rest of the people who are wrapped up in it?

Dude, just shut the fuck up.

( twitter | raw text )

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Exactly. Same ending every time.

Well, let’s see:

  1. Senators not asking to investigate a political opponent for an election
  2. They don’t have the power.
  3. The people were actually involved in crimes related to people on Trump’s campaign.

Now, let’s ask Linzie why it was okay for Trump to ask for the people who cooperated with Mueller to be punished by Ukraine for doing so?
( twitter | raw text )

Chance are if you run into a democrat you are running into a Christian over other affiliations.

We are a God believing country so when you attack that you are attacking Americans on both sides of the political spectrum.

“Like all religions, it’s not the people who are bad, it’s the ideology they have been infected with.”

What you are doing here is similar to what conservative Christians do. That is excommunicating liberal believers and making conservative believers the True Christians with the True ideology.

Its not helpful if you want to encourage religious reform. If anything you should take the opposite view and see the liberal believer as having the True ideology and the conservative as having the false one.

Personally as an outsider i dont like to excommunicate either but i know which side im on and rooting for. Plus Jesus was a hippie…

Jesus christ this thread is almost unreadable with the every other post being nun trying to belittle someone or make us think he is smart with 4000 word posts nonsense again. Guy should have been contained a long time ago and has to have the worst post/like ratio of anyone here by like a factor of 3. Microbet this time. Really?


Just a coincidence that Dems finally ready to take an impeachment vote the night after a crowd of 40k baseball fans made their opinion of the president overwhelmingly obvious?

I think if he goes down it is somewhat likely him getting booed at the World Series makes an appearance in documentaries as an inflection point.


The gif of his reaction surely goes down in history



Gotta hand it to the writers for this one. A little Twin Peaks style flair.

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Not this year, McDonalds. Not this year.

So, every year the McRib comes back and I think “Oh, hey, that sounds pretty good. Hmmm, yeah, really good!” And then I hear that they do that deal where you buy one and get another for only a dollar and I’m like “Oooooh, bargain, AND they sound really good. And I’m kinda hungry… Ok, I’m in.” So I find a McDonalds and wait in the drive thru and eagerly tell the unintelligible voice on the other end of the weird stereo box thing that I want two McRib sandwiches and sternly decline their offer to make it a Value meal. I drive up to the window, mouth watering, and pay for my goodies, crack the first one open before I get out of the parking lot and then…It blows. Its like a fake blood covered shoe print with a couple stray pickles on a squashed bun. Utter disappointment. Every year.

Not this year, McDonalds. Not this year.


I knew the risks going it. This isn’t my first rodeo.


If that’s the case, good. Fuck him. Serves him right thinking the crowd would adulate him.

Trump is a petty man and it only seems logical he gets impeached over a petty matter. If a WS crowd booing him is what tips the iceberg, so be it. Makes no difference to me.