The Presidency of Donald J. Trump v5.0: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes PEANUT BUTTER & BANANAS

Damn Romans!


You are definitely the most anti-authority guy on the board. You think almost all cops are bad, nearly every CIA person is bad, but you don’t seem to think almost all prosecutors are bad. If we’re talking ICE, CBP, or corrections officers, my assumption is every single person in those is terrible. I do not think the same about the CIA or FBI, though I think a whole bunch of them are terrible. I think anyone leading any of those organizations is a terrible person (how could they not be knowing what goes on?), but I also think anyone who is president or who even runs for president is an objectively terrible egomaniac no matter how well or empathetic they come across to the public.

Five golden rings
Four calling birds
Three french hens
Two turtle doves, and
A partridge in a pear tree

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Pretty much none of what you said Is right, which is absolutely par for the course.


We keep hearing the same stories told by new people.

This should be a slam dunk at this point. If this does not actually lead to impeachment at this point the United States is done.


All I hear from you is how much you hate these agencies and people in them. I’m just interpreting what you say. If that’s not how you want to come across, write in a way that says how you actually feel rather than putting out giant generalizations like you did about Democrats earlier today. You love giant generalizations, and I sincerely hope you can see that.

If I was a little hyperbolic or overgeneralizing it’s because it’s infuriating when liberals like you worship the war and torture departments.


Get out with these BS numbers
Back in Black was 1980, or 39 years ago.

If you are 90 then you were 51 then. That wasn’t the target audience.


Back in Black was very popular among me and my fellow 8th graders when it came out.


I want you to point out any moment in my posting history when I have even remotely done this. This is where you deserve a ‘f*** you’. You’re in the category of Keeed on this site to me when it comes to a lot of your political opinions. No one on this site has spent more time defending Tulsi than you. You have said that Russia was no big deal, and I can’t remember reading a single word you’ve said on impeachment.

How do you feel about impeachment, micro?

Microbet, you’re a very good poster and nunnehi likes you very much.

( twitter | raw text )

Duuude, if you liked AC/DC then at 51, you were cool. So, if you still like them at 90, you are very likely cool. You agree with that right?

Also, did you miss the spoiler? Like Risky, you might not have understood what I was saying that I clarified later.

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His lawyer just responded and said ‘there was no prejury’.

I figured out the message the Senators are going with:

‘I’m a juror now so I can’t talk about that.’
( twitter | raw text )

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