The Presidency of Donald J. Trump v5.0: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes PEANUT BUTTER & BANANAS

Seems important


Because they figure that Republicans in office means more money will be spent on war and spying.

[narrator] They all chose politics.


I went once and it was an hour wait for the sandwich and just got chicken instead. I’ll give it another shot this time.

For those like me who struggle to remember first names and keep straight whether someone has joint positions:

Rep Hill and Dr. Hill are not the same people

The first is resigning in an unrelated (but who knows?) story. The second was appointed by Bush, served under Obama, then was appointed by Trump as Senior Director for European and Russian Affairs on his National Security Council staff.

That’s until she resigned in August 2019. Earlier this month, she gave a closed-door testimony covered the next day by Acosta.

Vindman’s testimony is important because while Hill’s testimony was damning, she had already left the National Security Council when the call that started the impeachment inquiry took place. Vindman, however, was one of the people on the call.

Hopefully I’m not the only one who has to check such things… Or maybe me being the only one would be the best case :+1:

Bonus: Hill is the person who previously testified freely after her lawyers said LOL privilege has nothing to do with this.

In a move that will surprise no one, White House deputy counsel Purpura argued

at the time that there is “no valid impeachment inquiry underway,” which means that even if executive privilege operates differently with an impeachment inquiry, that doesn’t apply here, according to the White House.

Which is why it’s now so comical for Trump’s team to about-face and screech that a vote now would mean all previous impeachment proceedings were invalid.

WTF? For Popeyes?

US officials have previously told CNN that standard operating procedure suggests Vindman also would have been listening in on the July 25 conversation and likely played a role in the handling of the call’s transcript.

Yes. Regular chicken was available right away, so I got that. And that was at least a couple weeks after the craze started.

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I don’t get what you mean. I’m saying that this guy will have no credibility with private national security firms if he doesn’t see what Trump is doing is a threat to national security. He’s not going to get a high paying job in that sector if he does that, so he’s in a real rock and hard place. I think he is the single most likely Republican in the House to vote for impeachment to uphold that outside stuff, even though he might lose it by doing that. I’ll let you know how bad I feel about that below:

The point is they don’t care about the security of the nation, they care about the security of the National Security industry, which may well be inversely related to the security of the nation.

Her replacement was Tim ‘Popcorn’ Morrison who gives his deposition on Thursday. I reallllly hope he will have a written statement.

A CIA guy? At some point you have to think this guy wants to uphold his Constitutional duty.

Really? I have to at some point think that CIA guys want to uphold their Constitutional duty?


When it comes to making money in the private sector? Sure.

If they had a constitutional duty to make money in the private sector then I’d believe they’d try to uphold that duty.

You think the private agency that employed Edward Snowden gave a shit about Constitutional Duties?

You think Blackwater or whatever the fuck that mercenary group is cares about Constitutional Duties?

These people are the bad guys and the liberals can’t help but fawn over them and their fucking honor. Fucking Brennan and Hayden are the darlings of the liberal media and they are both God-Damned monsters.


I mean they are at the top of the list of slime balls who can’t be trusted.

five. used car salesperson
four. MBA
three. Lawyer
two. Cop
one. CIA

(this software won’t let me count down with numerals!)

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Bad beat from today. I’m running errands and decide I want to grab a McRib for dinner, which I noticed the local McDonald’s had when I got a coffee this weekend. I’m really feeling it. On their video screen order thing they got a big picture, “2 McRibs for $6.” That’s $3 per McRib. Hell yeah, sign me up. So I order and the lady is like, “I’m sorry we only have the McRib for a limited time.” I’m like, “bitch, you got a big ass picture of McRibs on your video menu. It’s the number one thing being promoted.” Actually, I just said, “ok, thanks, I’ll have a quarter pounder meal.” I was McRobbed.


Why do you do stuff like this? What do you get out of starting a conversation that will go nowhere, that you know will go nowhere?

I’ll map it for you:

a) A guy joining the CIA probably thinks they’re doing something for their country (are they good, probably not, but they are certainly thinking they are doing something for their country). These people swear an oath on the Constitution, and their actual work/orders is what makes them violate it when put in that situation (not all are like this I’m sure, and that’s another one of your garbage generalizations that you love to do).
b) A guy in the CIA has a pretty strong idea of what kind of national security risks are out there, regardless of whether you or I think they are right or wrong.
c) A guy going into Congress from the CIA will naturally want to be on the intelligence committee. Will he be compromised by outside political interests? Of course, but he has subject knowledge.
d) Guy realizes we have an imminent threat in the presidency. He wants to come out against him (speculation). He is told he can in no way do that. He retires, most likely to a place in the national security private sector where he will make a lot of money pushing whatever bad agenda he has.
e) Things get really bad after he retires, and he now knows he has to go on the record for or against an obvious national security threat. If he says he’s for impeachment, he might lose those jobs. If he says he’s against, he won’t be taken seriously in the national security community, because it would show he’s incompetent at evaluating threats.
f) We have no idea what he will do because of all these factors.

In regard to your other garbage, the fact that I’m having to sit in here and actually defend agencies like the FBI and CIA that I can’t stand in general shows you the kind of effed up world Trump is running. Bad people can do heroic things, and heroic people can do terrible things. If the FBI and CIA were what you generally think about them, Trump would be completely running wild with no check at all. I know you know that.

CIA can be trusted. They just think their bullshit doesn’t stink. I trust CIA far more than NSA.

None of them can be trusted half as much as people who aren’t some sort of cop.

