The Presidency of Donald J. Trump v5.0: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes PEANUT BUTTER & BANANAS


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Oh okay, right on. Well I am an unironic current fan. They’re one of the few bands that’s continued to put out good songs over their entire career. They even somehow made me like Axel Rose after pretty much despising him from the beginning. He’s been a good live replacement for Johnson.

Okay, I’m going to put you somewhere in your 40s.

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If you want to find someone who exhibits nearly no Jesus-like qualities find the closest Christian.


they’re not playing football. They’re playing 52 card pickup and they’re not picking up.

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You are basically no better than a fake christian or a racist with this attitude.

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Christian is not a race, it’s an ideology. And yes I am against the ideology. Also yes, very very few Christians act Christ-like. If more did, I’d be for the ideology in some ways.

W/e dudes.

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I appreciate nun’s optimism, it’s just hard not to cringe when this has essentially been Dems over and over

So now we’ve got

  1. nunnehi arguing Dems are the guy who comes from behind
  2. most of us arguing Dems are the guy who keeps coming in second
  3. the rest who think nah, Dems are definitely the guy in third who only looks like he’s trying to win

That might be the greatest gif I’ve ever seen.

  1. No. I already gave my analogy. Nancy got it in on the flop after limping with AA before the flop. She had just AA, and was against quads. She went turn A, river A. Doesn’t change she got the win, but she misplayed her hand horribly to get there.
  2. PTSD, with totally different conditions. I couldn’t imagine being an Eagles fan during that Super Bowl they won.
  3. You’re applying incorrect conditions to what’s actually happening. The GOP/Trump/Trump’s people are continually punching themselves in the nuts. Changing the conditions to this somehow being the GOP winning the narrative is PTSD and wrong. The job was to get the public to notice, and change their minds. That happened, and nothing is changing that.

Who cares about your stupid ass news article. You didn’t read any of my posts.

I’m going to guess you are Christian and feel insulted. That’s fair but your anger is misguided. I’m simply pointing out statistical fact. Your anger should be aimed at your fellow Christians. There are of course good people who are are Christian. Lots of them. But as a group, the odds suggest, if you run into a Christian they will be a trump supporter, homophobe, and bigot. Like all religions, it’s not the people who are bad, it’s the ideology they have been infected with.

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How could I a human being explain something to you an omniscient mind-reader. I guess we found god in this thread and his name is clovis8.

Ok this is going nowhere. We can end derail. For the record I said “I am going to guess…”.


You don’t have to guess, you can look at what I said or look at where I said that you didn’t read what I said. I tried to point out a nuance that I felt was a flaw in your thinking and then you proceed to tell me what I think, posting articles that had nothing to do with what I said. You don’t actually need to be god or a mindreader to know what I think, you can perhaps just read it.

Don’t think that’s quite right.

Nancy hit quads on the turn, sure, but villain has a draw to a straight flush, and for some reason, every time Nancy opens her mouth, another out is added to their deck.

This would probably be better if I understood Omaha enough to make that my example.