The Presidency of Donald J. Trump v5.0: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes PEANUT BUTTER & BANANAS

We UKers love to take the piss out of politicians so much its a national sport especially at Halloween…

Lewes in East Sussex is busy finessing its preparations to host the UK’s largest Bonfire Night celebration.

The picturesque market town north east of Brighton regularly attracts as many as 80,000 spectators every 5 November to see the costumed processions, fires and firework displays organised by its six bonfire societies.

An old clip…

50k comments, 6.5k likes on that Morning Joe tweet. That’s like a mega size ratio.

I dunno, it does seem like a pretty good litmus test.

Wow, what a dumbass.

God bless Daniel Dale, not least for making the phrase “Sir story” a thing.



Eight more days to Halloween, Halloween, Halloween…
Eight more days to Halloween, Silver Shamrock!


And morning Joe knows this shit, there just scared because deep down they know there all guilty.

I mean he has been holding rage from an Obama roast for a longtime…

Next Morning Joe take, “it’s wrong for patriotic Americans to dunk on shitty talk show hosts. Just look how they went after Matt Lauer? Is nothing sacred.”

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I think that the people who are talking about the anger of the white working class leading to Trump aren’t saying you can’t be angry at Trump. I’m certainly not saying that. The way to prevent the grievances of the white working class from re-electing Trump or electing worse, competent Trumps isn’t civility but it isn’t yelling at Trump voters either. It’s supporting candidates that actually want to address the Trump voter’s legitimate grievances like Bernie or Yang. Or hopefully Warren, depending on how much of a stealth neoliberal shill she turns out to be. The Democrats who are calling out for civility just want Status Quo Joe to get the nomination.

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That’s a good point. I’ve never tried tearing a narcissist in half in public. Maybe the public shame would be the thing that really lit the fire. You can tell them anything in private and they are utterly unbothered by it though.

MSNBC should drop these middling adulterers today, air reruns the rest of the week and then start Morning Soledad next Monday


It’s definitely the public shaming that eats them up. The light flicks on that maybe they’re the problem for jusssssst a second before they go back to blaming and using everyone else.

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I couldn’t agree more… :+1:

And I agree with you’re post that is makes no sence to target Trump fans/supporters for abuse but the president is a different ball game.

So the plan for awhile has been to dump Chris Matthews in this slot, because Joe (lol) plans to win a Congressional seat again (lollol). Would gladly take Soledad in many slots on MSNBC.

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