The Presidency of Donald J. Trump v5.0: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes PEANUT BUTTER & BANANAS

Is he running as a Republican? Last seat he held was Matt Gaetz’s old seat I think.

If you watch you will notice that he and Mika don’t even bother schlepping into the studio anymore. The panel is at the studio sitting at a table looking at each other while the two of them are somewhere else, presumably their den

Another 1 down…

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If he runs against and beats Gaetz I will change all my hate against him to aggressive dislike. If he loses to Gaetz he will be an embarrassment to the world forever. I have no idea where/what he was planning to run as but I still think he’s GOP.

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I read this far and got excited. What a letdown.



I remember the old days where I would criticize nate silver and everyone would be like lol u suck he’s a god, etc, etc.


I’m sure you’re joking here, because Chris Matthews in the morning would get like 50 viewers.

In reality, Joe and Mika probably pull in a combined $25m+. Some of their guests are fine (Meechum, Ignatius, the black guy from Princeton), but Matthews would be terrible for the slot. I’d think backup plan would be to have Willie Geist and a female co-host (Prezbila?), but I doubt Willi could carry the show. If the gave it to anyone, it’d probably be Ali Velshi. Could also have Hallie Jackson , but she doesn’t do extemporaneous opinion well but is a solid reporter. Velshi and Katy Tur would be good. Or Nicole Wallace and a rando dude.

Also, Matthews just had a big health scare.


I don’t watch the morning show very often, so I’d be thrilled if they moved Chris Matthews to mornings and hired Soledad for his show.

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Agreed, but I assume they’d do Velshi and Ruhle and keep the chemistry going with that pairing. Katy Tur is awesome, though.

She is not anchor material. She is extremely bland. MSNBC has quite a few anchors that are reporters, and none of them have anything related to an anchor ‘it’ quality.


Andrea Mitchell
Hallie Jackson
Kasie Hunt
Katy Tur (not really an anchor, but occasional fill in)

I guess it’s kind of worth noting all four of those are probably Republicans.

Katy Tur at 3pm or whatever is a criminal waste of talent.

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Mitchell is about to be put out to pasture. (5 years too late.)
Jackson and Hunt are reporters who stifle their opinions for the most part.
Tur is a Phish fan with a philosophy degree. A morning show would be better for her than her current meet the press fill-in role. Give that to Wallace.

Hunt definitely does not stifle her opinion, and she should be banned from television forever for having her show name be ‘Kasie DC’.

Wallace is not good in an anchor one on one type role. She’s good in a roundtable moderator role.


These fucking people.


I dvr morning Joe and speed watch it once a week or so.

Wallace and Katy Tur I’d probably watch daily. That would be a quality show, with Wallace as the indignant straight man and Tur as the space cadet (but smart).

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This isn’t random. It’s probably the best choice for now.

Wait, what?

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