The Presidency of Donald J. Trump v5.0: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes PEANUT BUTTER & BANANAS

This is…wait wut? For those like me who rarely click through but want highlights…

Still ongoing tho.


It was probably something like:

Aide: Sir, the military says they need your authorization to kill al Baghdadi

Trump: Sure whatever, I’m off to the golf course.

Political hack1: Wait sir, this could actually be a big deal. if we spin this properly it could be your bin Laden moment. Remember all the good press Obama got after the raid? We can get all that, with a picture from the situation room and everything. You’ll look so Presidential!

Trump: I told you not to use his name around me. But I like it. But make sure and spin it so that my raid looks way better than his raid. This al Bagdad guy needs to be the worst guy ever, way worse than bin Laden. And the raid needs to be harder and I need to look more Presidential than that black guy did. And we need a way to thank Russia.

PH1: Of course sir. Brilliant thinking as always.

Trump: And I want a picture like the black dude had, but in mine I’m going to look way more Presidential. Guy wasn’t even wearing a suit.

PH1: Of course sir. Amazing ideas.

Trump: Make sure there are generals in there too. Not those low level guys like he had.

PH1: Excellent sir. Just outstanding plan sir. I’m honored to be in your presence. Should we also have some cabinet people? SecState for instance?

Trump: State? Are you fucking kidding me? Do you see the mess that asshole Pompeo is dragging me into with his stupid people over there? I should fire you for that fucking bullshit.

Ph1: I’m sorry sir, I beg your pardon. I just thought…

Trump: Don’t think. I’ll handle the thinking around here. That’s what I’m here for remember? 309 electoral votes and she only got 230. Fucking Hillary.

PH1: Actually sir it was 306-232. But still an amazing victory, sir. People are still talking about.

Trump: You really are an idiot, you know that? I really should fire you now for sure. But set up the photo and we’ll see how I feel tomorrow. Just get Pence and that new guy Esperson or whatever.

PH1: Yes of course sir.

Trump: And generals! I want those generals!


All these people who are so concerned with the office of the president should direct their anger to the occupant who is shitting all over that exact office.



Obviously trump gets daily 401k portfolio updates from that NYPD officer.

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Nate is now trending on twitter and getting absolutely destroyed.

( twitter | raw text )
( twitter | raw text )

I love my black friend!

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But they’re republicans, and were quite a bit responsible for normalizing Trump. They only hate him because he left them behind.

Joe is like a castrated Frank Underwood from House of Cards. He yells out his inadequacy a few hundred thousand viewers atthe a time.

He actually filed a lawsuit asking who he should listen to, daddy or oversight.

I remember reading a story that said Cheney made sure every TV that could ever be in a sight line of any person in the administration on trips had to be turned to Fox News during Dubya’s time.

“We love to talk about grabbing pussy and 9 irons!”

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We love our maids :heart:

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grunching, but am I the only one who read Nate’s tweet as…not serious? like, deep sarcasm? The use of the word “Libs” in that manner sets off my sarcasm detector.

And the tweet he was responding to was a truly odd, now deleted tweet from Jamie Lee Curtis.

I dunno, I read it as a joke tweet, but maybe I’m wrong.


It’s possible.

The problem is that Nate has put out such a number of shitty opinions that a bunch of intelligent people thought that tweet was in the plausible range of his actual thoughts on the matter.

This is a Nate problem, not an everyone else problem. If almost any of the regulars here said those exact words, I would know that they were joking. With Nate, I’m not so sure.


Nate Dogg remembers how keep his range broad from his old 2p2 days.