The Presidency of Donald J. Trump v5.0: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes PEANUT BUTTER & BANANAS

Any law bros about? Why are they appealing? Surely the court order has given them “cover” to release the grand jury materials. Isn’t this blatantly political?




Imagine being so brainwashed that this would be an effective threat.

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*Offer not valid for Democratic Presidents


Imagine thinking that voting against stupid Hitler would be a mark against you with god. These people seriously haven’t ever read the New Testament. It’s completely insane.

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American Christians are generally awful people.


Who the hell thinks they were booing the office?


Imagine your business paying taxes and hers not paying taxes.



“The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants”

“lock him up” is unAmerican because it’s too merciful.

I don’t have to imagine. One of the things that grinds my gears the absolute hardest is all the insanely rich people who make more in a day than I make in a year who pay lower taxes than I do.

Seriously between capital gains being taxed lower than regular income, religious institutions being tax exempt, and the legions of lawyers ready to help super wealthy people ‘avoid’ (as opposed to evade which is illegal right?) there are tens of thousands of people who make 10-20x what I make (and are worth hundreds of times more net worth wise) who pay vastly less than the normal upper middle class people. I benefitted a good bit from the tax cut on pass throughs and it still only netted me a few grand. My overall tax rate for 2018 was still north of 20%. Meanwhile the richest five people on planet earth all pay less.

We really need to spotlight just how little the rich pay for the 2020 election. Middle class+ people are known for being envious in the extreme. I know I am. It’s absolutely insane that these people complain about how much they pay in taxes while basically not having to pay taxes anything remotely like a normal person.

Fuck that. The office of President deserves contempt and disdain.

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It’s going to take a long time and a lot of work to get the shit stains off the fabric after the Trump years to be sure. Dude used the office like a diaper.

yeah I’ve followed Nate for 5+ years on twitter and I’m taking him off now. HMU when I should re-add him. I’m sure he’ll start having better takes very, very soon.

If GOP Senators feel like they are in a horror movie 3-4 weeks after the Ukraine story broke, imagine how they are going to feel in 3-4 months. This train is accelerating. Wait till they have to defend his tax returns. They’re definitely going to show that he’s lied dramatically about his net worth and business success (two weight bearing pillars for the delusions of Trump supporters) best case, and that he’s a career money launderer for the Russian mob worst case.

The further we get along this particular event chain the more certain I am that while we aren’t there yet the breaking point will be reached for both GOP Senators and GOP core voters. Everyone has a limit. Hitler wasn’t popular in Germany anymore when he killed himself, and Trump is no Hitler.

Thread. This speech is going on now and is exactly as bad as you would expect all around.

This is just such a hilariously bad take I don’t even know what universe you’re living on.

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The secret to being a serious centrist like Schiff is to pretend you’re really fucking dumb.

I support TAC to fund M4A.