The Presidency of Donald J. Trump v5.0: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes PEANUT BUTTER & BANANAS

That Trump letter to Erdogan, worth reminding ourselves how far we’ve come. There’s the temptation to believe that the administration has been this much of a circus from day 1, but the reality is that if that letter had dropped day 1, nobody would have talked about anything else for a week. Now it’ll fall off the radar in like 24 hours. We’re so inured to the craziness at this point. Insert boiling amphibian reference here.


We’re about to enter a profound news cycle on impeachment (Sondland’s essentially the last link needed here and it appears he plans on perjuring himself). That letter, while absolutely bonkers is not deserving of the radar at this moment in time.

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This reads as a nice PR piece of ‘I din do it’, and also of ‘Hello, fellow clean politician people’ to me. lolwsj

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So Erdogan says he threw Trump’s letter into the trash.

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Grunching, but “fabricating (making up)” is the clearest evidence possible of how dumb 45 thinks his base is.


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No, it’s the house. Even though there are more republicans in the house than the senate, they are way more partisan because of gerrymandering. I can see a senator or two peel off for removal in the senate, but I don’t see anyone in the house doing it.

His approval rating right now on 538 is 42 percent. His approval rating right before the Ukraine thing started was… 42 percent. His approval rating 6 months ago was… 42 percent. His approval favorable rating right before the 2016 election per RCP was 37.5 percent. Also that same 1/3 of his voters who voted for him because they “didnt like Hillary” are “not going to like Warren” either. He’ll throw the same kind of bullshit at his opponent that he did with Hillary. It was all bullshit and it doesn’t matter, his people just need a reason and he’ll give it to them. He’s not losing by 8 percent. Maybe he’ll lose the popular vote by 2 percent and win the electoral again. Maybe he’ll lose the popular vote by 4 percent and narrowly lose Michigan/Wisconsin/PA and lose. maybe he’ll lose another one like Arizona or something but that’s about the spread of the outcomes. Impeachment doesn’t hurt democrats IMO, but it doesn’t really seem to be doing anything to help either, except maybe juicing turnout a little, but possibly on both sides (like Kavanaugh did).


we are in for a year of hell
and after the last 3
that’s really saying something


Marksman started a thread but this should be here too.

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All of this. Astounding that someone as smart as simplicitus doesn’t see this.

The election is 50/50 at best. If the economy doesn’t change, literally any of the Dems is probably a slight dog to win the electoral college.

Everyone has forgotten 2004, when a super shitty incumbent defeated a reasonable Dem, and Republicans have only become more tribal and nasty since then.


I don’t think people fully appreciate how racist and backwards the middle of this country is.




I’d argue with you guys about how all available information points the other way… but honestly your fear is an important component in actually beating Trump so nah.


And they beat the reasonable Dem by questioning his military service while their guy used family connections to avoid Vietnam. Trump has already turned the Hunter Biden shit into a scandal and voters will ignore all the Trump scam bullshit like they already have and focus on the crooked Bidens if Joe gets the nomination.

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