The Presidency of Donald J. Trump v5.0: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes PEANUT BUTTER & BANANAS

So good. He was riding high today on the Baghdadi kill. Imagine that come down of getting booed by a crowd twice the size of the biggest MAGA rally.

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Obviously booing becomes a lot easier when your team is losing.

Dems took off the kid gloves and wrote it with a very stern hand.

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Imagine Obama getting booed after the Bin Laden raid.


Hopefully he does not go the same revenge rout on the American people as he has with Obama.



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He put kids in cages.



That’s something I want to see, but 100x more and longer when he gets sentenced to prison for the rest of his life


Fuck him.


I appreciate that your heart’s in the right place, but



Possibly the best @nunnehi post of all time. Definitely the lowest word count.

Good to see a stadium of more people than at any of Trump’s rallys booed him.

Oh no, Trump feeling “real pain.” GTFO you make me sick.

Trump would shoot Barr on 5th Avenue if he refused himself, allegedly.

This is for jmakin, who believes Knox is guilty, which makes me doubt whether reason has more than a limited role in human affairs. Like, why bother criticizing the insane conspiracy theory, basically Catholic extremism, that governs Bill Barr’s thoughts and actions, when a seemingly rational person like jmakin is running a similar playbook?

In some sense I do think the two situations can be reconciled by appeal to faulty reasoning heuristics that are often behind moral panics, excessive nationalism (Brexit), white supremacy, and the belief that someone like Trump will drain the swamp or not be terrible.

It’s basically an inability to access/filter accurate information in domains where one only has a shallow, anecdote based model, particularly of human actors and groups (and, most importantly, the inability to appreciate the weaknesses of one’s model; see Malmuth, Mason). Like “women do x”, “gays are like y”, “Mexicans are criminals”, “Jews control banking”, “satanists molest children” that informs other conclusions or the assessment of incoming information.

Believing in conspiracies, down to beliefs about specific events, such as Knox’s guilt or OJs innocence, would seem to reflect a failure to filter out bad information when it’s supported by prior, poorly justified background assumptions that compromise the common furniture of what most people believe.

Consider Socrates’ explanation for the Oracle at Delphi stating that he is the wisest man in Athens as due simply to his awareness that he knows very little. Sometimes one can have the mental horsepower to reach conclusions, but one needs the meta-mental horsepower to appreciate how strong the conclusion should be in light of the quality and extent of the evidence.

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A guy has 17 pantomimes. A woman’s got 20, but a guy has 17.


I pretend like if Trump had any competence on his staff they would have moved heaven and earth to prevent him from attending that game, knowing how it would impact him.

Here’s to incompetence! SALUD!