The Presidency of Donald J. Trump v5.0: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes PEANUT BUTTER & BANANAS

Counter to my argument earlier

Wish the rules applied to republicans too but that’s a very good thing.

or as if he didn’t wail hard about how obama didn’t deserve any credit for bin laden

reality the news wants to kiss his ass so they will

IIRC, several senior advisors and Biden were against the Bin Laden raid and wanted to call in a cruise missile strike instead. I think you have to give Obama considerable credit for making the correct call. Whether the Bagdhadi raid was as tough a call as the Bin Laden raid, idk. Certainly, if these things had gone sideways, Obama/Trump would have taken considerable heat the same way Carter did.

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Sure, Obama is a person with considerable intellectual power and curiosity. I am certain he has put a lot of thought into that decision. I am drawing a complete blank on how constructive input into the mission coming from Trump might look like.

This is worse than Keed’s bullshit, have none of you ever been on a team before?

Imagine switching from rothbard and mises to " actually a military junta running the country while President deals golfs is good."


The chain might have a few more links. Iraq before they invaded claimed Kuwait was slant drilling their oil under the border and told the world to shrugs they were going to invaded because of that.

Obviously. It’s a bit rich to see this forum demand that Trump be present, ensconced in the situation room as some nimble-minded presence integral to the mission’s success, when we otherwise rightfully deride him as a confused imbecile.

The lack of self-awareness is something to behold. jfc


Lol literally nobody has made this claim.

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Trump got booed, love it. Tweet will be amazing.

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just catching up on the thread, and half the posts are about how he shouldn’t have been golfing, arguing he was needed for something lol

Disappointed that Hill gave up, unless there are some genuinely bad facts beyond dating a staffer and infidelity. I think reps should be able to date staffers, profs grad students, partners associates, doctors nurses, and directors actresses. We should just have rules/structures in place to prevent abuse, but people tend to date/fall in love with people they spend a lot of time with. It’s not a novel thing, and some of the best marriages I know came out of such situations.

Oh, was looking forward to this, time to find a vid on Twitter.


Nobody argued he was needed as a strategic mastermind. He was needed as he gave the order for people to risk their lives and the absolute most basic of human decency would indicate you hang around and not go play a game.

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There are some great videos of sections with the LOCK HIM UP chant



The effortless flip from doctrinaire Libertarian bro to Trump apologist never ceases to amaze.