The Presidency of Donald J. Trump v5.0: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes PEANUT BUTTER & BANANAS

I have only been fishing once, sounds like I’ve been missing out.

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I hate to say this, but im with keed.

There’s no way the president does anything on these sorts of operations. You Americans do have this weird fetishising of both the military and it’s “commander in chief”.

Whether the messaging of Trump golfing while this went down is effective or not I dont know, but im skeptical in general.

Dems have been losing for decades on military stuff by pretending it means anything other than fuck you racism and nationalism.

Maybe we should have had John Kerry “reporting for duty” in the situation room?

Trump is a lazy waste of space, so this is just generally part of him not showing up to do his job. Lets just not pretend this part of his job means anything except optics and hoo-rah military bullshit.


Like never concede anything.

Dems going with “well obviously this was heroic heroes in our heroic military, Trump let them down on this historic heroic moment by not being the heroic commander in chief we need”… is really bad messaging.

Give. Them. Nothing.

Jesus Christ you are missing the point by a million miles.

It’s absolutely basic human decency that if you are the person ordering people to their possible death in a highly dangerous mission that you would stick around and see how it plays out and not go play a fucking game.

This entire discussion is completely surreal.

People are monsters.


“Well, actually…
(Insert some dumb shit)”

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Even if keed is right and it’s all optics, it’s better optics if POTUS gets into the role and plays his fucking part. Like at least don’t distribute staged pics that undermine the optics.


He exactly restated my point so it seems quite possible that you’re the one missing the point

Fuck. What have I done?


  1. Donald Trump shouldn’t be ordering anything. 2) Donald Trump shouldn’t be golfing while president (and hint: it’s not because he shouldn’t be golfing). C) Ergo, as always, Keed is wrong and everyone is wrong for letting this sidebar even happen.
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Wtf is up with these news articles about how Trump deserves credit because Baghdad Bob is dead now… as if he actually did something to facilitate any of it.

Obviously he deserves some small credit. Presidents lead the military. We all know it is overstated but to say he deserves no credit, just because we loathe him, is just partisan.

Think back to when OBL was killed. The right was making the same argument and I guarantee you were defending Obama’s role. Rightly so.

He did a lot to facilitate it. He sold out the Kurds to Turkey and changed America’s status from leader of NATO to Erdogan’s waterboy; so Putin and Erdo threw him a bone so he can preen for a few days.

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As an actual businessman I gotta say you’re really wrong about this. For the record Trump is as much a businessman as he is a president. He’s a fake everything.

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Obviously the president doesn’t do any intelligence gathering or plan the operation. He still has to make some serious decisions, for example relating to collateral damage, acceptable risks to the soldiers on the ground or should we violate the sovereignty of an unfriendly nuclear power.

Agree. Which is to say he deserves some credit. Americans generally way over-estimate how much control the president has of various aspects of government (eg, economy, war). Nonetheless, as you correctly state he does play a role in military actions.

Pretending otherwise makes us look like partisan hacks.