The Presidency of Donald J. Trump v5.0: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes PEANUT BUTTER & BANANAS

sounds good. I’ll let you guys get back to rating the heroicness of various presidential situation room pictures.

Not enough people tell you this but fuck off with your bullshit.


Wish I had more like to give for where you ended up, but, also, when the troll’s idea of ‘Presidents should golf during these operations and then do imaginary photo ops later’ is something you feel the need to respond to, you should probably like actually go golf or something.

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i was one of these maniacs who, if it’s the last hand before break in an online tournament and i made my final decision to go all in, i’d walk away from the computer right away because there’s nothing i can do to change anything from that decision.

and i’m sure if it was human lives on the line i definitely would rather just read the numbers afterwards without all the drama because it would surely bum me out and throw me off my golf game which takes precedence above all other things in my life even though i always cheat anyway.


I’m not as harsh on keed as some but his “it’s ok to golf after you have sent people to possibly die” take is stupid on a level never before seen. Welcome to trumpistan keed.

It’s reasonable to expect man-baby bone spurs leader of the free free world, who couldn’t hack the Boy Scouts, to watch and learn something about a mission he is directly responsible for. But we’re dealing with an idiot who’s incapable of learning so it’s best for everyone involved, including the country, he has as little involvement as possible. Keep him on the course 24-7 ffs.


trump is checked out. his generals planned this out long before he saw it, they brought him in for 5 minutes to take a photo and they’re like, “you wanna watch the video?” and trump says, “no just tell stephen miller and he’ll write the bullet points for me.” and then stephen miller adds a bunch of stuff about al-bagdaddy crying and begging for mercy before blowing up himself and all the civilians who were killed in the raid


trump is the guy on the fishing trip who stays below board the whole time doing coke and then poses with the fish all proud and shit

( twitter | raw text )

He probably shouldn’t golf but it’s better than ghoulishly watching the live stream video. Just get on with your day and let the military guys do their thing, I’m sure they’ll let you know if they need anything. The idea of the president heroically coordinating the mission from the situation room is just state- and military-glorifying propaganda. And folks here seem to be criticizing Trump for not having AUTHENTIC state-glorifying propaganda like Obama did. “Why, that picture was two hours after the raid! Shameful!”

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All true. Doesn’t change the fact that sending people to their death is the most important thing a president does. It has weight.

You simply do not go golfing during it. Even if you know for certain you won’t have to make a single decision, which of course he didn’t.

This is so basic, and foundational to simple human decency, that only an actual clinical psychopath would argue otherwise.

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i agree it’s bad to have a checked-out president. it’s part of why it’s bad to have a businessman ceo be president. golfing while other people do stuff to make you look good is the exact job description of a ceo

There Is no other side. You are wrong. Period. Completely wrong. Indefensibly wrong. As wrong as is possible to be. Stop typing now.

You clearly have no idea what a CEO does.


I disagree

As you always do. Doesn’t mean you’re not wrong.

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Just a PSA here. Keed is very good at recognizing when people like (the vast majority of) us are uneasy about how a thing might play out and he’s also good(?) at seizing on some really dumb thing (like it’s better if Presidents order these things but then go distract themselves) to argue about and drawing people in to semi-emotional but fully-stupid debates.

Shorter version of the PSA: ignore Keed (except for his weird potato fetish thread; that’s a fun one).


I really hope the CNNs and MSNBCs are covering this like “US military kills al-B” and doesn’t mention trump at all until just throwing in a “BTW trump was golfing at the time”

I would love to see his angry tweet rant about how the news that he was golfing at the time is fake–use him to amplify that story. As most have pointed out, I don’t think it particularly matters where he was (surely the military preferred him out of the room) but I’m sure he’s going to get furious at the implication, and that’s funny.