The Presidency of Donald J. Trump v5.0: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes PEANUT BUTTER & BANANAS

dunno man, going out into the sunshine to play a game and get some exercise instead of watching a live streamed snuff film seems like the less sociopathic choice by far imo.


Fair chance he’s watched operations in progress before and got bored. Probably nothing happens most of the time. So he played golf. Then got the news, hit twitter, then off to take the pic.

Oh what you mean Trumps well documented sensitive nature just wouldn’t have been able to cope with it?

Until not that long ago, I thought the film was Dr. Strangeglove. Fucker even wears a black glove.

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Yeah, great leaders let other do the leading all the time, it’s where the aphorism comes from.

No, just that watching a live streamed commando raid isn’t some good and presidential thing that Americans and the media should glorify and celebrate. I’ll be surprised if Trump wasn’t actually in the room watching but if he wasn’t it doesn’t reflect poorly on him or any other president. It’s sordid and disturbing.



now do yourself


In what sense is sitting in the situation room watching a live streamed commando raid leading?

Sorry, in the sense that this isn’t some patrol the troops are on, this is something you’re going to be crowing about to the rest of the world. Not only should he have been there in the loop for the whole thing because it’s his damn job, but because the optics of not being there are yet another easy thing to avoid.

The president shouldn’t have any decisions to make during the raid, everything should be happening far below his level. It would be perfectly appropriate to give the order for the raid and then be briefed on the result later. That’s actually what a self-assured leader would do (which is why it would be so surprising if Trump actually did that). But as you correctly say, this situation room nonsense is actually about optics. It is here and it was during the bin Laden raid. Optics that glorify the military, militarism, and the power of the imperial presidency.

You’re wrong. It’s worse to go golfing during the raid by far. The POTUS shouldn’t be acting like a psychopath cheering “We came. We saw. He died.” but the POTUS shouldn’t be playing golf or looking away when something like this happens. Obama may or may not have been self-consciously behaving the right way, but either way, he was behaving the right way.


LOL keeeed. JFC. The POTUS has a responsibility to oversee a highly dangerous raid. And part of that responsibility is not playing a fucking game and being in the Situation Room when it’s happening. If something goes off script or whatever, the POTUS needs to be there to issue commands.


I’d lay odds no one in the Situation Room wanted Trump to be there. Can Trump really be blamed if someone told him there was no reason his big brain couldn’t oversee the situation and play golf at the same time? That person knew he’d be unable to resist.

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Sorry I fed the troll, it’s probably just the hangry that has his keed up his ass.

It’s not unlikely that significant diplomatic incidents or issues could arise. While you don’t want the president saying, “You got a bogey on your tail!”, they should definitely be following what’s going on in case they have to get into contact with commanders or foreign parties.

“President Trump had the perfect raid watch!” - Keed

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West Wing fantasyland bullshit. If the president hasn’t already empowered people far down the chain of command to autonomously make important decisions about the mission of a few dozen commandos then it’s already a disaster.


No it’s not. During the bin Laden raid a helicopter crashed into the compound and Obama had to decide whether to continue. It was a decision to be made immediately and not from a golf course.

You really need to stop with the devil’s advocate bullshit. No one falls for it.