The Presidency of Donald J. Trump v5.0: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes PEANUT BUTTER & BANANAS
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Hopefully that means he flatlined.


So what I’m hearing here is that the Trump Adminsitration, including the leadership of the DOJ and FBI, unlawfully coordinated with the RNC and the Trump campaign to “go after” opposing presidential campaigns.

It’s always projection.

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There are three periods in an ellipsis. He can’t even get that right.

Odds Trump has ever suggested renaming Camp David, Camp Trump?


nurr nurr nee nurr nurr

Get Out in real life.

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And this is how we know the event will be paid for by the taxpayers.

Funny, Amazon ultimately got “screwed.”
I’m not crying for Bezos, only pointing out the rampant abuse of power that we see unfolding daily.

Mattis, who never held his tongue regarding Obama, is being completely silent while the republic burns.

Oh, he did make a funny though, such courage!
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I just so happen to be visiting friends this weekend in the Bay Area and have spent most of my time in her district and it’s fucking beautiful right now and everyone has been really nice. even the worst parts are fine I walked the tenderloin district after going to mikkeller bar and was offered weed every block and saw homeless people drinking and doing drugs everywhere and felt totally safe. When I left mikkeller there was a small group of guys shooting dice or something across the street and when I walked back an hour later some of them were getting arrested lmao

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On the subway in NY and folks just got on with “Renuncia Piñera” signs. Must be headed to a protest of some kind. It always amazes me how Americans can’t be bothered to give a shit about anything, as compared to the rest of the world.

There are a number of reasons for it, many are an indictment of Americans, but others are logical.

A lot of us are in a position where if we went all in on the protesting, we know we’d end up broke and powerless far before we’d force change.


The Trump administration is doing some talking about putting homeless people in camps. They have done some scouting for locations for immense “shelters”. There’s a story here somewhere.

I forget who said it previously, but an Obama indictment would be quite a climax. A surprising (and yet inevitable?) finale that backfires spectacularly.

It’s a virtual lock that Trump has at least once asked someone, “Who the hell is David anyway?”