The Presidency of Donald J. Trump v5.0: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes PEANUT BUTTER & BANANAS

It’s probably a political strategy if they go forward with it. They will propose some sort of legislation to have federally-funded homeless initiatives that involve new federal homeless shelters/programs/camps. Pelosi and other Democrats will oppose and denounce it, then Trump will make a campaign issue out of it. Look, Pelosi and the out of touch Democrats don’t even want to do anything to solve the homeless crisis in their own backyards while they live in walled mansions. As messaging it works. Not in California but that’s not the goal.

To be honest, I had to look it up:

Camp David received its present name from Dwight D. Eisenhower, in honor of his father, and grandson, both named David.[6]

Apparently there is precedent for renaming it…

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I know I keep boring everyone with this, but Mattis should be indicted and imprisoned over Theranos.


Either that or they’d really like to put homeless people in camps, or really exterminate them. And yeah, I do think that’s what a lot of people want. Try reading Nextdoor.

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That’s fascinating.

In a non-flaming LMGTFY, I’ve also never checked out pictures of Camp David. For anyone like me:

Before/after it was named Camp David:



BONUS: FDR and Churchill planning D-Day at Camp David

BONUS #2: Back when the G7 was still known as the G8 :anguished:

So unified, they came together to shit on the Chelsea vs. Bayern Munich Champions League final together.


Trump’s brother getting government contracts (companies he is linked to)

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Maybe Ukraine will investigate :ukraine:

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Speaking of Camp David, a couple of years ago I read Lawrence Wright’s Thirteen Days in September, a day-by-day account of the secret summit between Sadat, Begin, and Carter that produced the Camp David Accords. Great story, highly recommended.


Trump’s brother corruption seems meh. What’s his father up to these days?

You f***ing dummy, Flynn pleaded guilty. They are not ‘dropping the charges’. His attorneys are about the only ones competing with yours for world’s worst. He’s drawing live for getting the book thrown at him based on their behavior.

Oh, I see this did raise some eyebrows after all. Make sure you show us the receipt for what you ‘paid’.

They would be the equivalent of strategists who are so bad they make you look like ‘the world’s best detective’.

‘I before e except after c’ and how many people attended this, hmm? 7 + 2 who were doing ROTC.

This sounds exactly like the bulls*** pandering that glosses over your decades long background of pure racism that Kamala was pissed about.

If you somehow get a second term, you will be creating one of the worst ones of all time.

My guess is Trump wasn’t going anywhere near that ‘party’, and they said, ‘uh, dude, that’s not their party spot, you have to be there for this to be ‘okay’’. So Trump does the gif below, and it’s all fine (to him):

Mainwhile, Mark Esperanto says:

Story checks out.

But during the reporting during the Mueller probe it was suggested she would be murdered upon going home. I don’t know what to think anymore.


I wake up to see a bunch of posts in the thread and most of it is dumb Donny spewing. Kool.

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Is Trump going to actually go to the game tomorrow night? I don’t see it happening. It won’t be a MAGA rally and he’ll get booed by 40K people.

Love the posture being integrated into this cartoon:

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This was Kamala’s response to Trump’s tweet:

“My whole life I’ve fought for justice and for the people — something you’d know nothing about. The only part of criminal justice you can claim credit for is the ‘criminal’ part.”

She is going to appear at the conference after the sponsor of the event was removed.

The larger background on the Trump part of the event was that Trump invited 10 students (apparently couldn’t even get 10 to show up), and then filled the crowd with Trump supporters. Classes were canceled, and students were told to stay in their dorm rooms while Trump was there.

Fuck that. Those students should have stormed the room and booed the shit out of Trump and his supporters. It’s their college.

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He looks like the front half of a 2-man horse costume. All that’s needed to complete the picture is Barr with his head up Trump’s ass.


If Trump goes to the game tomorrow, everyone should hold a sign up saying “I am the Whistleblower.”


Best that could be done with short notice. Captions?
