The Presidency of Donald J. Trump v5.0: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes PEANUT BUTTER & BANANAS

Law peeps, is the ruling of the grand jury material something that can’t be appealed? I haven’t heard any mention of an appeal in coverage yet, and this seems like the sort of thing that would have an immediate appeal/stay request asked for. What say ye?

They can, and will appeal.

An impeachment inquiry is raging, his personal attorney butt dialed a journalist and talked about crimes, and he’s using the bully pulpit to give Tim Apple some iPhone pointers.

But he doesn’t need an impeachment defense team, no sir, he IS the team.




that was last week’s MO. This week they want to investigate them. Next week they want to arrest them. The week after that they’ll want to murder them.

The last two paragraphs are Lindsey abdicating his congressional responsibility and just working directly for Trump.

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If anyone wants to know the name of the person responsible for taking down the Trump presidency, here it is. Acting DNI Maguire

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“Plaintiff obviously cannot satisfy the competing demands of both the legislative and executive branches, and he is aware of no controlling judicial authority definitively establishing which branch’s command should prevail,” the suit said.

One branch is tasked with overseeing the other. Seems pretty straight forward to me.
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Yes, it can be appealed, and the DC circuit isn’t great.

This headline looks like BS. Court could easily decide ppl haven’t testified based on pretext.

In this cray cray world that you created, I’m pretty sure the one thing your fans still prefer over you is heroin.


From reporting I’ve seen her reasoning seems quite strong, so we’ll see if it makes it to the SC.

Yesterday I tried to email Matt Gaetz and tell him he’s a fuck up. Couldn’t email him b/c I’m outside his district. So I emailed my Congressman Ted Yoho. He emailed me back at 11:49 PM LOL.

Thank you for taking the time to express your thoughts on the whistleblower complaint filed with the Office of the Inspector General of the Intelligence Community on August 12, 2019, in regards to a phone call between President Donald J. Trump and the President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky, in July of this year. The whistleblower claims President Trump abused the power of his office by pressuring Ukraine to gather dirt on Joe Biden in exchange for a substantial amount of U.S. aid. This complaint has since sparked an impeachment inquiry made by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

As these allegations have come to light, we have obtained questionable information regarding the transaction between President Trump and President Zelensky. This complaint began as a whistleblower with first-hand information on a phone call between heads of state to that whistleblower claiming the information filed is a source from multiple U.S. Government officials. The whistleblower derived this claim from pure hearsay and not as a direct witness of their alleged accusations. The White House released the transcript of the call in question on September 25, and I encourage everyone to read it for themselves.

Americans have spoken, and they have instructed my colleagues and me in Washington to find ways to work together. Instead, Democratic leadership has decided they will go down the path of division. As a member of one of the committees tasked with investigating, I will continue to monitor the situation, and like you, want a quick and just resolution.

Moving forward in the 116th Congress, I hope you will stay connected with my office for updates on the latest news, legislation, and other useful information by signing up for my e-newsletter on my website, Thank you again for your comments, and please do not hesitate to contact my office with any future questions or concerns.


Ted S. Yoho
Member of Congress

Serving the 3rd District of Florida

He of course says don’t hesitate to contact his office but doesn’t allow to reply by email. Fucking asshole.