The Presidency of Donald J. Trump v5.0: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes PEANUT BUTTER & BANANAS

What difference does it make


I truly hate Jared and Ivanka. I have no insightful comment or really anything meaningful to say. They really, really suck and are too stupid to ever feel how they should about themselves.

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I’m sure this millions of dollars bash is just casually being paid for by the taxpayers for the children of the president.


Why not have their anniversary at Doral?



Daddy would make them pay for it

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Turkey. Yes, fucking Turkey is now making demands of the United States of America.

Unbelievable how far we fallen in 3 short years.


Apparently the fiddlers will only go to Camp David.

Yeah I saw a good summary recently where they talked about how Putin was domestically in trouble in Russia and Erdogan was hanging on by a thread after a coup attempt but Trump has managed to help solidify both of them into much stronger positions. Throw in Assad for shits and giggles too.

I wonder if how ineffective we’ve been with Trump has encouraged some other countries to pick up the flag and go yolo.

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How did Rudy butt dial to voicemail? Don’t you need to press 1 to leave a message?

Nah, it records anything after the beep in most instances.

Lol, someone just got a new iPhone and can’t figure out how to go back to the home screen without the button.

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If you’re white, male, and wearing a suit, you can get into a lot of places you probably shouldn’t be able to.

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This story was me at like 12 years old before I had any concept of anything.

But totally agree, I can’t even count the number of times/experiences/places/fun I should have not been allowed to have, simply because I’m white and have a nice fitting suit. ( Wedding crashing -and other events- is a real thing)
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