The Presidency of Donald J. Trump v5.0: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes PEANUT BUTTER & BANANAS

Really. Imagine having the entire main page full of threads with polls to permaban [insert deplorable piece of shit here].
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strange that he didn’t mention the vote count on that resolution

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Hey Donnie Dum Dum, that resolution is to kiss your ass, not save it.

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He’s saving that for later today when he focuses his hate on Romney, Murkowski and Collins for being “human scum” for not supporting the resolution.

Looks like Steven Mnuchin ordered the books cooked so the deficit wouldn’t be $1,000,000,000,000, I’m starting to think the Tea Party was about something other than deficits…


Lol we’ve reached full emperor has no clothes, nobody left is willing to tell him the truth. Things are going to get even more ridiculous from here.

Trump is stupid Logan Roy.


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The Kurd thing really shook me for the first time in a while during this idiotic presidency. Trump decided to do something impulsively that everyone knew was wrong and would lead to significant harm yet no one in power did anything about it; basically some dictator shit. That said I got a pretty hearty chuckle over his “oil region” tweet, dotard literally cannot tell the difference between reality and Mad Max.

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Mike Flynn’s not ongoing, he’s just awaiting sentencing.

Everything in the Mueller report related to Stone has already been freed from redaction for the people involved in the case as far as I know, but I might have that wrong. Too…much…news…

I think it was more of a ‘f*** you’ than a kiss his ass type thing.


That feeling when you’re on vacation, played golf and chilled on the beach all day, then dealt with the other drama and clicked over to the Trump thread 267 posts behind only to see this in the first post…

So you’re telling me I’ve got a lot of reading to do, huh? lol

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The thread is made, you can take a look to see what you’re up against. Your timing was right on.

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If you are going to do the fake poll thing, make it 69% (Assmussen).


[Mentally sets over under at 5K words]

[Clicks Link]

Ah 1,800 words, that’s not so bad…

[Scrolls Down, sees Part 2]


Still coming in on the under. That may be some light reading on my flight tomorrow, though. First I’m catching up on the ~270 posts here.

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Wait til you get to butt dialing

But here’s what I really want to know. How did Rudy end up on speaker phone?

I saw a tweet about it in a group chat with some friends earlier, and I’m very excited about getting to that part.

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