The Presidency of Donald J. Trump v5.0: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes PEANUT BUTTER & BANANAS

He has a very fat ass?


You just remember, at the end of all this RUDY IS THE HERO!

@kre8tive will you please post that schedule of events for Congressional testimony link you’ve put up a few times if you have it bookmarked?

Of the five different ways I’ve seen this written recently, only Zach Braff gets it right.

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Grunching with a multi quote…

IF we have free and fair elections in 2020, which obviously I am VERY concerned about, the best electoral outcome for Dems is the Senate failing to convict with a few Republicans voting to convict… which is kind of what I think is the likeliest outcome.

I seriously don’t see them impeaching Pompeo or Barr, certainly not first.

If I had to guess, right this second, it’s 51-49 to convict. 47 Dems + Gardner + Collins + Two out of Romney, Ernst, Tillis, McSally. I wouldn’t be shocked if one or two others were currently planning to vote to convict because they’re betting that in 2024, it could be a key vote for their next presidential run.

I agree with the first three. I see scenarios where votes get whipped against Trump.

I would not assume Manchin and maybe Jones would vote to convict.

Manchin should be considered a vote against based on previous behavior. Jones was a prosecutor and him not voting to convict would be him taking a giant dump over his entire body of work. So, 50/50?
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Do they even need the WB to testify at this point?

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So I asked the other day about how did that group get into a room restricted to view classified info.

It reminded me of the time my mom took my brother and I to DC. I was in 7th/8th grade and my brother was two years younger at the time. This was pre-9/11 so we were allowed to roam basically, fully using white privilege to its advantage from the jump.

We ended up in a room that was clearly off limits and not accessible to the public, but it was unlocked. We scrummaged around as expected but realized we need to get the fuck out when it said “Mr Vice-President” on the desk. Mr brother sat in the chair behind the desk. Had we been a bit more ambitious I would have grabbed a souvenir. Nowadays I’m sure we would have selfied it.

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Yer stoopid, WB only necessary when no one came forward. Everyone named in the complaint as key witnesses has been testifying, or is in the process of getting ready to testify. I repeat, yer stoopid.

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Tim Morrison: The call ‘could have been better’
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She had a good thing going… If she kept her head down like Rohrabacher she could have put in 15-20 years in the House, easy. Instead she ran for POTUS and drew too much attention.

She got her six years, though, which IIRC is the minimum for that sweet pension.

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I’ve heard so many complaints from the right about people with second- and third-hand info. So why do they want the WB to testify?

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They want to know who he/she is so they could smear them, thus shifting the focus from the message to the person.


LOL at the top reply:

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