The Presidency of Donald J. Trump v5.0: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes PEANUT BUTTER & BANANAS

LOLed hard at Trump Sucks Butts

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I will retire to read Of Mice and Men.

So now we’re kink shaming too? Clovis!


58 percent is way too high IMO. He won’t buy it’s legit because even he’s not that stupid. Try like 53 percent or 54 percent at most.

Gonna have to stop you right there.

( twitter | raw text )

That could have been our tweet. Sigh. And to think we were seconds away from triggering an Unstuck apocalypse. Really helps you realize what the Trump admin feels like every day.


FROM 51% TO 58%!

He’ll eat that shit up.

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Maybe 57 or 56% then. Idk what the real polls are saying now (but he thinks they’re fake news anyway). I feel like he might think 55% isn’t flattering enough because it’s too close to a coinflip. A narcissist like him can definitely fall for 57%. The poll putting that number out must be the real news buried in the sea of fake news.

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The thought of punking Trump is hard to resist. Sadly, sage minds prevail.


lol he was crowing about 50% from Rasmussen for weeks.


Real or ResistanceHole?

Absolutely devastating: internet heroes trick Trump into retweeting a fake poll slightly higher than than his actual approval rating. Take that Emperor Cheeto!


Right? Any talk that he’s not that dumb misses that it doesn’t matter. He’s retweeted literal white nationalist accounts. The dotard likes what flatters him. Nothing else matters to him.

She’s for sure at least one of those things. Sadly I don’t think America is ready for its first hot president.

Yes, that’s the joke of why I’m now posting these horrible numbers for him. Rasmussen has always been an outlier. When Rasmussen dropped to 44 percent the first time in early August, he changed his 50 to 51 from Zogby, the pollster Nate Silver apparently calls the worst in the world. Rasmussen then furiously polled something like 4 days in a row to get back to 50%, and all was right with the world. Two weeks ago roughly, Trump was at 49% on Rasmussen. A poll released yesterday had him at 43%. Other ones in the last week had him dropping to 47% and 44%. I think that’s significant. The adjusted 43% Rasmussen poll is 37% according to 538.

Np. (And do it anonymously?)

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I don’t think the net effect of RF’s prank would be to bring in a bunch of wackos to the forum.

Some lefties would click on it just to shit on the source they never heard of, then find out it was a prank, and then maybe stick around after seeing all the good discussion here.

Some right-leaning people might think, “Oh that’s interesting, wonder where this came from.” And a lot of them will be possible to have reasonable discussions with.

Most of the full-on Trump cult members won’t even click it because they’ll just accept it as fact since it’s a stat they like.

Edit - also, prominent lefty Twitter accounts might amplify us even more (to their lefty followers) when making fun of Trump for retweeting a fake poll.