The Presidency of Donald J. Trump v5.0: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes PEANUT BUTTER & BANANAS

I doubt Congress will bring stuff like this as an article of impeachment, but they should. Dude claims $150m in fundraising, and refuses to pay for his Klan rallies meant for re-election.


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Tulsi has a lot of kinda lefty Rogan listeners. He talked her up a bunch and they think shes anti war and honest and hot lol. I got a couple of them on my Facebook



Devastating news for the Do Nothing Democrats!



Time to turn into the grifters.


It looks like a parody, or something sent directly from the campaign. If you want to do this, it needs to be something more like his real ones he posts (like the ones I do with wrong graphics). Any Unstuck branding needs to be very small and in the corner or it will look like click bait. You have to make this stuff really subtle for people to fall for it.

Also, will you tell me your technique for that graphic for the Approval Rating/font/etc.?

I’m not sure what you’re asking? You want a step-by-step?

I’ll take a second to adjust per your suggestions.

You’re risking opening the gates of hell for our site by tweeting that and hoping for a Trump retweet.


What font, and any special settings you created to make it look like that? If it lets you post your psd on here, that would be enough for me.

A theoretically better play is a website landing page for the polling firm that gives a traffic counter, so we don’t get any of that traffic from the initial tweet. For company info you spill the beans with a link to here (which might be just as dangerous, but will more likely get the type of people who would think this kind of gag is funny).

Its testimonial would be: ONLY ZOGBY DOES IT BETTER-Nate Silver

I mean what the fuck are you guys doing. This has to be one of the worst and dumbest ideas from you nun and that is saying something.


I actually use Powerpoint of all things for image assembly, then Gimp for image manipulation. The online software Photopea is infinitely easier to use, but they have an image conversion problem even if using native software.

So here, I used the font IMPACT with a simple text outline of 1.75 pt width.

I’m not following what’s going on here, but I’m very against sending out some sort of a fake poll. It’s an order of magnitude of order-of-magnitudes worse than anything that has been done on the site so far.


It is almost Halloween.

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We’re making a fake poll showing Trump’s approval is higher than it is so we can say gotcha that’s not a real poll haha dummy?

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Just playing around with the graphic. I would not do anything further without the consent of the community, and I don’t mind feeling foolish and retracting after feedback like yours.

Presumably the endgame is getting that sweet, sweet Trump retweet then changing our handle to “Trump Sucks Butts” or something to really get him good.


The rubes love fake news so give them what they want. Unleash the poll.