The Presidency of Donald J. Trump v5.0: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes PEANUT BUTTER & BANANAS

No, it should be:

“Phony impeachment witch hunt from do-nothing democrats see President Trump’s approval rise from 51 to xx percent.”
( twitter | raw text )

Omg for a second I thought that was Trump retweeting our prank


‘New polling suggests evangelical Christians have never read the Bible or have any idea of what Jesus did!’


Would be legit impressed given it wasn’t posted outside of the forum. Trump’s Deep State at work :frowning:

Think she would pull more from trump if anything…

Hoo boy did that Barr investigation story take hold. Not on any of the top stories on msn, and not even in the trending there. Meanwhile, Gabbard dropping her Congressional run is the 5th trending story on there.

Of blocking everything? It’s their first chance of getting something done with the House. ;)


Think some of you are way overthinking the poll thing. And no way he thinks 58 is too high and there is something fishy going on.

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I’m telling you we need a whistleblower for the Barr stuff. Rudy was in Ukraine months ago and everyone knew it and it wasn’t even page 5 news until there was a whistleblower.

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I dunno. There’s really never been a hot legitimate candidate (male or female) besides Tulsi.

It could have been us!

JFK was a heartthrob.

I’d be pretty scared to whistleblow on Barr just because of the ramifications of it not working out. But I agree a credible WB will really help what we’re all seeing going on in plain sight. I think there is currently or was recently some kind of DOJ IG investigation going on, but the news cycle has been moving so fast I can’t remember what it was related to.

Ya know, that’d be interesting to study, whether the attractiveness of candidates has any correlation at all to electability. And whether it got more pronounced after 1920. (Female candidates still too small a sample size IMO so kinda disregarding that for now.)

You want us to give them strat on how to beat impeachment? Nah. This site already does a bang up job of trying to make impeachment look impossible (and most of the people doing it are for impeachment). They don’t need any extra help by co-opting some of the stuff said here or in a handy manual. They had exactly one winning strategy after the Ukraine phone call, and they couldn’t do it. Now it’s too late to employ it.

This is something that has been studied for a long time. It was something that was talked about when I was in college in the early 90s.

I guess someone should send that book to Napolitano or something.

And? Don’t make me research stuff myself like a filthy animal.