The Presidency of Donald J. Trump v5.0: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes PEANUT BUTTER & BANANAS

Yeah I definitely think Franken should have stayed. People do stupid stuff. I’m not giving up hard to win seats over sex stuff unless it’s suuuuuper serious. Neither Franken or Hill is that. As to what the standard should be, I don’t have a firm standard as it’s extremely contextual.

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McTurtle is desperately trying to get orange to understand that he’s destroying himself and the party and to just go away. Lol at dotard understanding anything tho and in the end Moscow Mitch will get in the way of letting a trial happen. They are all shameless

Also announced she’s not going to run for re-election, because she was definitely going to lose: She’s definitely the Dana Rohrabacher of the left.


All that’s left now is for Tulsi to announce her third party run for President.

Damnit, seriously? I wish I had known this before I purchased a 1 year subscription in advance a few months ago. Oh well.


And get 0.00000001% of the vote.

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All she needs to do is peel off a few votes in key states from the Dem nominee à la Jill Stein.

She’s not to the left of the Democratic party. If it’s Biden then maybe she pulls more Dems. If it’s Bernie or Liz she’ll pull more Republicans.


The .edu thing seems to be fake news tho

Marina Butina is out of jail, expected to be deported to continue her spy career


Haha I have a theory too: Trump will simply have Mulva conference call all GOP senators and demand that they publicly come out in support of him and against impeachment a la Linzie or he will eviscerate them on Twitter and have them primaried, and they will comply.

Who the heck are these voters though? They’re not the far left Green Party useful idiots thats for sure.

Now THIS is fucking scary.

Maybe if a whistleblower comes forward in a few months the Dems will look into Barr’s activities.

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I dunno but I’m almost certain I’ve seen chartz showing that Stein got more votes than Trump’s MOV in Michigan and Wisconsin, not sure about Pennsylvania.

ETA that doesn’t mean all those votes would have gone to Hillary but for Stein being in the race as some would have gone Trump, some would have stayed home, etc. but I think it’s safe-ish to conclude they’d have mostly had Hillary as a second choice.

The only person I know who likes Tulsi doesn’t vote.

Sounds like a standard Tulsi supporter.


But you don’t know who those people would have voted for or if they would have voted at all if they didn’t vote for Stein. (And most of them would not have voted for a Dem, let alone HRC)

An election today is only a toss up if there is rampant cheating. Anything close to fair and Trump is destroyed.

Former Ron Paul stans who need a new cult leader. Also there are definitely some far-left Jill Stein wackos in the mix.

Nats canceled Trump for Jose Andres, A+.