The Presidency of Donald J. Trump v5.0: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes PEANUT BUTTER & BANANAS
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Kurds are moving to avoid getting shelled but also have ISIS in control. Good work.

You have to remember, the GOP hates Trump. He is their useful idiot. Once he’s no longer useful, they will curb stomp Trump and pretend they never liked him in the first place. The fact that Rasmussen of all polls is at 43% should terrify Trump.

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I’m less and less sure of this as time goes by.


Do you think Mitch likes getting 5 phone calls a day from Trump?

If they like him, it’s only because he distracts the media from how awful they are.

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I honestly wonder if Trump is the aberration we so often told or is he the first honest republican willing to openly state their long held core beliefs.

Sure they wish he was a little more subtle but I think he is simply letting the right let their true colours out for once and they love him for it.

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So we should have let Franken stay in office too? I know you don’t agree with that.

I am highly skeptical the congressional staffer relationship isn’t real considering the other one and the texts from her husband. Forget where I saw those, but they seemed like pretty clear evidence.

In hindsight, I think the answer to this is probably yes. It’s a hard question and not as obvious as you are making it sound.

This is a very good, and long overdue debate. The lines are hard to find which is why it’s difficult. It’s easy when it’s Weisnstein or Cosby but harder when it’s Franken and Azeria.

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If that’s the case, they are stupid. Their voting base is small enough that they need to depend on less overall voters. They got crushed in 2018 because of high voter turnout. Doubling down on racism and all the other bullshit isn’t a good long term strategy.

A revenge porn site by way of her vengeful ex-husband?

Franken had actual people coming forward complaining about a pattern of mistreatment. This isn’t the same thing, at all.

You won’t get a disagreement from me on that point. :grinning:

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I thought the bot missed a tweet but nope, these are back to back on his timeline, I guess he got distracted by the teevee midway through his thoughts on ISIS.

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43% approval on rasmussen seems pretty huge news tbh…


Isn’t this poll notoriously bad?

I think the relationship with a subordinate is worse, just my opinion though.

Trump tweet there: it’s all cool, just some ethnic cleansing.

Time for him to be tried in The Hague or Nuremburg or wherever works.


Interesting theory, but I think unrealistic with the criminal exposure he’d face if he wasn’t in office.


Is rasmussen bad bad, or just skewed 5-8 points R? If the latter his support is dropping dramatically.

Trump has NPD. He’s not doing this in a million years.