The Presidency of Donald J. Trump v5.0: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes PEANUT BUTTER & BANANAS

wow yeah trump is the aluminum monster AND fatty magoo, in one


I am pretty curious as to what their messaging will be for this shitfest. Right now they have pretty much abandoned defending against the charges but instead just complain about the process. It is really like and very unlikely to land with the public.

They say they want to base their impeachment messaging model on what Clinton did but Clinton was able to use competent people. They will not be adding anyone competent. The charges are much more serious and there is no real defense.

But I am game to see what they come up with. Meanwhile the democrats need to keep up with their interviews (several next week) and move towards potential open hearings in November. Also regardless of what people think of Bolton, he is likely going to sit for a private interview and potentially a public hearing. He was never on board with these shenanigans at any point. I think he could really provide some pretty damning testimony.

There’s been little discussion about the Taylor written statement on here, and I think you all should read it. I’m preparing an extensive breakdown of it that I’ll post in a new thread as a more organized timeline/narrative summary, but this statement is game over and I’m only on page 11 of it right now. It is insane, and seeing where it goes next for each beat is total popcorn even knowing a lot of what happened. If we were in a normal world, this is all that would be talked about for weeks/months/years?. But we are not in a normal world.


There’s no successful message. I brought up almost a month ago that they were only talking about process (no one else was saying this while it was happening in the media) very early on because there was nothing to defend. It’s getting worse and worse by the day. The only things they can do are delay, distract, and tell you ‘who are you gonna believe, me or your own lying eyes?’ They must absolutely think the people of this country are brain dead stupid to think anything they’re doing is going to land.

They’re going with the NYT distraction story in hopes of that breaking as a huge scandal or something. This, of course, fuels the impeachment fire and other than the initial story of us finding out this ‘criminal investigation’ being opened by the ‘criminal Attorney General’, there’s nothing to report beyond it besides Barr’s complete corruption. If anything, this should hasten Barr’s impeachment (lol).

They somehow think that an actual investigation into Russian interference by Mueller is comparable to a sham criminal investigation by Barr, where he’s stomping/micro-managing on the independence of his U.S. Attorney assigned to it. This is practically a parody of what dumb people think is interesting and newsworthy. If Fox News runs with this, they’ll probably laughably make Mueller look like a hero because of how this one goes.


Like I admire your optimism, but i do not agree that their strategy cant work .

As always. What is the actual mechanism that leads to outcomes here?

Move beyond the “??? Profit” stage of your ideas.


  1. This has been going on for weeks. Trumps support has barely blipped.
  2. Senate never gonna convict.

This has been the number one news story for over a month in the news cycle, and each day brings something brand new and more damaging. There is no way to win this message for them. None. It’s not working. They’re in check at the very best.

So they’ve done things like the troop withdrawal. Didn’t work, and made things worse. Now they’re trying for the Barr ‘criminal investigation’ (an actual bone for Fox News). That won’t work, and it will likely make things worse. Never forget that the GOP has been bluffing forever. They are terrible players who are playing weaker people than them. Well, now the people they’re playing are way better than them (the career people testifying). They have no answers for this other than all the things I said.

There is definitely a point where the GOP can be pushed past a point of no return on conviction. That way is basically exactly how it’s been going. Use Nixon’s example. He had nearly universal support of Republicans until the day he didn’t. We haven’t even gotten to the ‘good’ stuff yet (the other hidden phone calls of which the MBS phone call will likely be the last straw). Right now we have a simple narrative of how to impeach and remove him. Independents the GOP depends on are wanting him removed more and more in polls. The GOP keeps making that simple narrative worse and worse. They have effed this up so hard because no one in it is capable of shutting up. That’s the only message that could have worked for them, but it’s too late for that now.

FYI: Rasmussen at 43% approval rating today and was at 50% in an October 13-15 one. That is his number one most favorable poll. The fall is lagging, but it is happening as the news becomes harder and hard to ignore.

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That’s a lot on the “Profit!” line… not so much filling in the “???”

So, we see a slight shift in independents? What else?

That hasn’t impacted Trumps popularity yet, and he’s a tossup to win an election today. More when he cheats.

Ask me specific questions and I’ll spout my pointless opinions, but I can’t read your mind of what you’re looking for.

How, specifically will trump face consequences.

What is the specific path that causes those consequences to happen?

Until something’s done about Pompeo, nothing can truly unwind. Once they have him gone (resign, get impeached), then they can go after Barr. Until Barr is gone, the lawlessness will continue at a blistering pace. I do not think he will resign or recuse.

My ‘prediction’ is this. At some point, when the public impeachment hearings get going (saw a news report today that said they are planning on making it public by mid-November, while I actually hope it’s way faster) McConnell’s going to try to run a bluff with Trump. He will walk into his office and say ‘Mr. President, we have the votes for your conviction. My advice to you is to resign so that it doesn’t get to that.’ President Trump will say, ‘I don’t believe you, no thanks.’ McConnell will then go and whip the votes and make it happen just out of spite. McConnell really doesn’t want to know right now what the vote is, but there’s no chance he thinks Trump is 100 percent safe no matter what anyone says.

The specific path is the same as it has been. Keep getting witnesses to testify with extraordinarily damaging material, and keep embarrassing the GOP for trying to defend the indefensible (this actually is potentially translating into a winnable Senate for the Dems). Then let the GOP/Trump continue to spew and add more/uncover more indefensible scandals. Rinse. Repeat. Profit. The only strategy that could have worked for them was going quiet, and I’m sure you’d agree it’s too late for that now.

Pompeo is never going to resign.
Barr is never going to resign.
Neither of them is going to be impeached.
McConnell is never going to whip votes against Trump.



Like. I dont actually disagree on the proposed approach. Where we differ is thinking that this is all a done-deal slam-dunk.

You think I’m saying this is a slam dunk? No, I’m saying that it’s not a slam dunk in reverse of never happening which is exactly what you just said.

I believe there is a point where they can be pushed to convict, and that the moment that causes that has yet to be revealed (the MBS call is probably going to be that trigger, but there are so many things it could be anything).

Trump is on that treadmill folks.

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The link is pretty amazing and gives detailed background on Russian organized crime and the connections to the tRUmp organization.

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