The Presidency of Donald J. Trump v5.0: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes PEANUT BUTTER & BANANAS

Sounds about right.

It’s those damn illegals voting again!

Yes I realize that I’m 200 posts behind, I’m trying to catch up mid-vacation


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Public: We noticed

Dear Director Amundson,

On behalf of the Christian 501(c)4 organization Faithful America, I am filing this complaint against Attorney General William Barr in regard to his public remarks on “religious liberty” at the University of Notre Dame on Friday, October 11, 2019.

The Attorney General delivered this speech in his capacity as a government official: The remarks include a reference to his job title and are posted on the official Department of Justice website. The text of these remarks clearly favors religion over non-religion, and Christianity over other religions. This is a violation of Mr. Barr’s oath to support and defend the Constitution’s guarantee of religious liberty to all Americans, not just those who hold Judeo-Christian views.

The Attorney General’s remarks also appear to have been a possible coordinated execution of the Trump Pence 2020 campaign’s reelection strategy, an improper use of government resources.

Faithful America is the country’s largest online community of Christians putting our faith into action for social justice. A petition signed by 13,649 of our members in support of this complaint is attached to this email, along with additional comments from many of those members.

Can someone send me a link here, is the MLB actually saying they won’t let trump throw out the opening pitch?

I didn’t see anything from MLB, that doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.


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Well well, look who else has calendars Mr. Kavanaugh

White House aides have also discussed bringing on in some capacity Pam Bondi, the former attorney general of Florida and a favorite of Mr. Trump’s, a person familiar with the conversations said.

Stephen K. Bannon, who was pushed out as the White House chief strategist in August 2017, has also created an unofficial war room in the basement of his Capitol Hill townhouse to wage over the radio a messaging war on the Democratic impeachment effort.

Some of the president’s aides have suggested that he take his finger off the keyboard of his iPhone, stop tweeting so frequently and leave the messaging to others in the West Wing.

Not convinced what they are currently experiencing is a messaging problem.


He can’t throw a pitch with that back brace on. The aluminum monster can’t even stand up straight. There chance he could contort his body enough to even bounce a half hearted pitch.



Big fan of that move. No reason to pretend like those guys gave two flips about Cummins and they are diametrically opposed to his beliefs in many areas.

This anti chez behavior needs to expand because these ghouls count on people observing social norms no matter how awful they are, allowing to flit painlessly through life.

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