The Presidency of Donald J. Trump v5.0: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes PEANUT BUTTER & BANANAS

That dumbass Obama leaving all these judge vacancies for Trump to fill.

She says it’s “the very hard copy that Defendant gave her in December 2007 when he told her that she should default on her mortgage because defaulting on debt obligations was central to his business model.”

What a fantastic time to out this twelve-year-old info

Pat Robertson saying the things others are only thinking. What a time to be alive.

Debbie Do Nothing

Is it me, or has today been an extremely slow news day?

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Gotta have a few slow days to average out clusterfucks like yesterday.

Katie Hill story keeps getting crazier. She should probably resign. Hope we don’t lose the seat.

Dude is 37 years old. Cool cool

For those curious: Murkowski voted yes. Manchin voted no.

Wow, Pence is spitting fire for some reason:

No Dems voting for, no Rs voting against. Nine Senators not voting.

Eh. Hopefully she doesn’t. There are plenty of politicians in the House/Senate that have done worse. The only part of the entire story that has any scandal about is is that she had a relationship with a subordinate. That’s not cool.

But I’ve been over sex scandals basically forever and our president banged and paid off a porn star.

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Four running for president, probably stayed on the campaign trail: Warren, Sanders, Booker, Coons.

Five others: Coons, Hyde-Smith, Isakson, Moran, Whitehouse

Susan Collins not even concerned

It isn’t even pre- and post-Trump; it’s pre-golf outing with Trump and post-golf outing with Trump. He came back from that golf day praising Trump’s golf skills and literally from that point on has been in his hip pocket.

I tried to email Matt Gaetz to tell him he’s a scumbag. The website won’t allow me to email him b/c I’m not in his district. Is this normal or just a shitty asshole hiding?

Possibly, but I can just as easily see Murdoch telling Hannity that he’s going to have to return a few of those Koch Industries checks and lead the charge that FOX is now at war with Eurasia and has always been at war with Eurasia. Hannity could throw out a few tepid criticisms, let Trump fire back, then complete the transformation until six weeks later you’d never know FOX had served as Trump’s personal propaganda station for three years.

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