The Presidency of Donald J. Trump v5.0: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes PEANUT BUTTER & BANANAS

I’m gonna take a wild guess that Linzie hasn’t read Taylor’s statement. I think even he might be pretty shocked. I’m only page 6, and am just now hitting the ‘good’ part. The first big event would also fall under ‘hearsay’ for Graham, but fuck him for that bullshit. What does he think a government is? I’ll help him out:

  1. Pres. says do this to x
  2. X says to y pres. says to tell z to do this. Tell z to do this.
  3. Y tells z. Z implements what pres says to do.

That’s how you get to hearsay in the government PDQ. Fuck off Linzie.

We’re already at 1008 days.

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So if you think there is any logic to Linzie’s statement you need to wake up and accept reality. He is covering for Trump no matter what and no matter how ridiculous it is. That is literally the only analysis you need to do. Of course it is ridiculous, but the reason why has nothing to do with Linzie reading or not reading anything. It wouldn’t matter if he had.


The corruption is getting creative! Create a department you say is to handle whistleblower complaints, use it to expose and retaliate against whistleblowers.

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I hate that I have to ask this, but is Pat saying that’s a good thing or a bad thing? Legit cannot tell these things anymore.

lindsay is never going to be VP, a cabinet spot is possible sure, but not VP, he’s picking pence or haley or someone who could actually get him votes instead.

I honestly can’t find a way to square pre Trump Lindsay Graham with post Trump Lindsay Graham that doesn’t involve some really significant blackmail.

I’ve got them deleting everything and trashing the place on the way out. If we even get a dem admin, they’re going to go in completely from scratch.

fwiw I don’t think he’s getting blackmailed whatsoever, nearly every R congress critter is doing the exact same thing.

What lindsay is doing is what republicanism is.


The only thing I can think of is that he thought he had more power than he really had. He thought he could politically damage Trump to the point he couldn’t win pre-election. Once Trump won he knew it was time to get in line or be primaried.

Obviously all the other things we have talked about with him being compromised are probably more likely but that is something that has crossed my mind.

Linzie has to lead the world in self-loathing. He is absolutely, without a doubt, 100% self aware and deeply ashamed.

Yea exactly. They are going to go scorched earth just out of pettiness.

cross out deeply ashamed from this post

he does not care

Yeah This… Its a sports team and you never give the enemy an inch.

Unfortunately politics is broken around the modern world atm because the rich stole most of the gains in the last 20/30 years.

I argue that this is how Democrats should act, as a matter of self-preservation. Things like do civility need to go out the window if they interfere.

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How is he on the border?