The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: Unconstitutional Slop

yes, I’ve gotten tilted when they disagreed with me over some amount that was less than the person got paid for going over mine. Great use of resources but it worked, I just paid it. One time it was all over three dollars. Seriously. Three dollars.

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Can she be replaced if she is cryogenically frozen?

All these R’s praising john lewis now when they were blocking everything he was trying to do
( twitter | raw text )

At least it is better than Trump praising Tammy for her time on Hannity.


Unsurprisingly, I’ve thought a lot about this. My conclusion is that it has to be an emotional argument to get those people to take to the streets. You need to be willing to incite strong enough emotions that there is the potential for blowback and unintended consequences.

If we think a few streets ahead, we have to be thinking about how to prime people to respond with this emotion in case things go south. I’m not a big believer in assuming that will be spontaneous protests. On the other hand, it is possible that Trump backs down and leaves peacefully and you end up with a bunch of riled-up people in search of an outlet.

If we are talking about the fate of our democracy, I believe it is worth the risk to err on the side of being too aggressive.

How many of these right-wing assholes have tried to appropriate MLK? They hate civil rights activists when they’re alive and praise them when they’re dead in their graves.

Emotions have nothing to do with it. Americans are too comfortable. It’s gonna take direct personal suffering. It’s gonna take being willing to die for what you believe in. That’s why there will never be a 2nd Civil War. Like are liberals really gonna defend NYC? Are conservatives gonna invade San Francisco? None of this is happening anytime soon.

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Maybe it depends on who fires the first shot and how much suffering they cause.

Millions would have to die.

Has there been a single protest about covid yet? Like no one is storming the White House demanding Trump do his job.

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It is time to reconstitute the Sons (& Daughters) of Liberty.

Good ol management fees

I would guess if you polled Americans less than 10% could name garland or know anything about that whole deal. Maybe 20% understand the role of SCOTUS. No chance the masses take to the streets over RBG being replaced in an election year.

There would almost no friction to McConnell doing this.

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I think 10% and 20% are probably way too high. I deal with college educated professionals who pay no attention to this stuff whatsoever.

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Euros probably should get a walk on this one

There was this one:



Also good comedic relief from all those other grim portraits.