The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: Unconstitutional Slop

The deplorables absolutely care about the SCOTUS. It was the #1 priority for a lot of the ChiefsPlanet MAGA chuds.

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Deplorables are just good at licking boots and taking orders. If they think the SC is important its only because their cult leaders just told them to think that. It is not evidence that they understand the role of importance of the court.


He said he thanked the cops that beat the shit out of him





Holy shit I can’t believe I stated that he didn’t look that much heavier than me earlier in this thread. .

I remember having angina on rare occasion at 260+ pounds. He’s definitely heavier than that. How the hell do people walk around at weights higher than that at such an old age without any pain?


Yeah, that photo lays it all out there.

Old people are always in pain. I’m not fat and not that old and there’s almost always something that at least hurts a little.


Americans, on all sides, can’t handle having to stay at home and minimize contact. No way most people are going to be able to deal with the living conditions of an actual war in their own country.

“What do you mean Starbucks is closed?”
( twitter | raw text )

Successful trolling.

Only solace is “I send our prayers to he”.

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Pills, pills and more pills.

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By the middle of May, the task force believed that another resurgence was not likely until the fall, senior administration officials said.

The New York region appeared well on its way to driving new infections down to levels it could handle — it was the one area of the country that did resemble the Italian model. But the models and analysis embraced by the West Wing failed to account for the weakening adherence to the lockdowns across the country that began even before Mr. Trump started urging governors to “liberate” their residents from the methodical guidelines his own government had established.

Later, it was clear that states that rushed to reopen before meeting the criteria in the guidelines — like Arizona, Texas and Alabama — would see among the worst surges in new cases.

Dr. Birx’s belief that the United States would mirror Italy turned out to be disastrously wrong. The Italians had been almost entirely compliant with stay-at-home orders and social distancing, squelching new infections to negligible levels before the country slowly reopened. Americans, by contrast, began backing away by late April from what social distancing efforts they had been making, egged on by Mr. Trump.

In California, Mr. Newsom had already experienced firsthand the complexities of getting help from Washington.

After offering to help acquire 350,000 testing swabs during an early morning conversation with one of Mr. Newsom’s advisers, Mr. Kushner made it clear that the federal help would hinge on the governor doing him a favor.

“The governor of California, Gavin Newsom, had to call Donald Trump, and ask him for the swabs” the adviser, Bob Kocher, an Obama-era White House health care official, recalled.

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Anyone else old enough to remember this?

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I want to buy Mary Trump’s book but I also don’t want to give the Trump family money. So conflicted.

That’s what libraries are for.

trump’s books aren’t for libraries though