Arguing about voting, purity, and RIP John Lewis


Secession ain’t just happening like that. If you’re thinking about secession get an AR-15. Baby steps.

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Has this been posted before? How come I’ve missed it?

It’s happening in Portland, and someone from DHS(?) said they’re going to start doing it nationwide.

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Yes, check the last 2-3 days in the George Floyd thread. There are federal soliders/officers of some sort in full camo going around Portland, Oregon, in unmarked rental cars snatching people off the streets. No badges, the only markings say “POLICE” with no indication of the agency or whatever. We think they’re part of DHS’s PACT forces that were established after Trump’s 6/26 EO to protect the monuments and such.

DHS says they plan to expand what’s happening in Portland nationwide, which is another indicator that it’s PACT and that it’s going to get worse.

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People are being rounded up by military police and the country is falling deeper and deeper into fascism but no mass protests in sight. Maybe a larger number of ppl would come out and protest if the score was run up and Trump declared victory but I’m skeptical on how big of an impact the score would be.

They are just gloating over their victory.


Rose twitter, DSA, tabbaker, whatevs and the rest can hem and haw about John Lewis and how he betrayed progressive values and he was an establishment shill but what it comes down to is this: He endorsed not-Bernie, so he is the enemy.

Don’t even bother trying to argue, because they are in just as much of a cult of personality as MAGAts.


Obviously Trump because there are only two actual candidates.

Just to be clear, I am directly saying to those of you who say “don’t vote for Biden” that you are actively supporting the re-election of Donald Trump, because that is literally what you are doing.


Except nobody cares about Bernie anymore. Not much of a cult of personality.

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Lol you brought it up here in the Trump thread, which is the candidate you are supporting for election so we can just keep discussing it here.


I was just offering the true reason they cannot bring themselves to praise John Lewis. They can protest, but it’s true. You may not be in that camp, but never doubt that the camp exists.

Usually the cults allow no criticism of their leaders…


People of every description exist. I know you saw a lot of terrible posts on Twitter. A tiny percentage of people are on Twitter all the time. Most of what happens online is at least partly trolling.

Champstark is not a cult of personality Bernie supporter. I don’t know about tabbaker, but I don’t remember him being like the biggest pro-Bernie person on this forum or 2p2.

Ok you are supporting Trump by continuing to vote for the Dems

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A vote for Biden is a vote for Trump

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The first post that brought this all up was by Champ where he literally praised his activism and said his political career wasn’t anything spectacular. Almost all the praise in the media and everywhere is because of his activism. Like it would be different if people were questioning the main thing he is known for and remembered for but no one is doing that


Do we have a @WorstOf yet?

This is probably the dumbest post in the history of this forum.


Tabbaker lives in NY iirc. Champ too. Doesn’t matter if they don’t vote for Pres. Drop it imo.


The people that use that term on this forum are usually using it against members that have the gall to criticize or question liberal politics


No moron, no moron. You’re the moron.