Arguing about voting, purity, and RIP John Lewis

People of every description exist. I know you saw a lot of terrible posts on Twitter. A tiny percentage of people are on Twitter all the time. Most of what happens online is at least partly trolling.

Champstark is not a cult of personality Bernie supporter. I don’t know about tabbaker, but I don’t remember him being like the biggest pro-Bernie person on this forum or 2p2.

Ok you are supporting Trump by continuing to vote for the Dems

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A vote for Biden is a vote for Trump

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The first post that brought this all up was by Champ where he literally praised his activism and said his political career wasn’t anything spectacular. Almost all the praise in the media and everywhere is because of his activism. Like it would be different if people were questioning the main thing he is known for and remembered for but no one is doing that


Do we have a @WorstOf yet?

This is probably the dumbest post in the history of this forum.


Tabbaker lives in NY iirc. Champ too. Doesn’t matter if they don’t vote for Pres. Drop it imo.


The people that use that term on this forum are usually using it against members that have the gall to criticize or question liberal politics


No moron, no moron. You’re the moron.

They also ignore people in the Bernie “cult” often had/have criticisms of him.


Nah, they’re on here cheerleading not voting for Biden. We don’t need some lurker in PA/MI/WI/AZ/NV/FL/NC/IA/etc to decide not to vote for Biden.


If they are left-leaning and prefer Trump over Biden, then they have lost their marbles.

If they do prefer Biden over Trump but say they don’t need to vote because they are in a “safe state”, then they are basically asking others in that state to do the right thing even though they can’t be bothered with it.


Lol @ BernieBros, now and forever.

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One person says voting for Biden is wrong and that’s considered cheering? If people didn’t get so tilted by little comments like that it wouldn’t get much attention in a thread that ends up with 10k posts and locked remade every couple of months. Also we have what like 300 members, anyone lurking here already understands the dangers of not voting for Biden in a state that matters based on the couple hundred times this has been discussed

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Lol, you’re saying the true believer BernieBros allow criticism of Bernie?


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lol at establishment shills


Kind of starting to think tabbaker might be a Russian bot.


It’s funny how Bernie supporters are a cult but also when they criticize him they’re purity testing. Weird.



Bernie was an asshole for lobbying for work on the F35 to be done in Vermont. It’s hard to believe he was so naive as to vote for the Endless War AUMF - more political cowardice. Sometimes he gets pretty nationalistic in his defense of the American worker.

Come at me BernieBros!


Grunching a bit but the John Lewis hate is kind of dumb. He has accomplished more in his life than all of us combined. If he turned into a terrible congresscritter under the wing of the Dem Party shitshow that sucks but name someone in congress that long who hasn’t. Maybe Bernie but he wasn’t a Dem.