Arguing about voting, purity, and RIP John Lewis


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I’m responsible for Trump for not doing enough for HRC in 2016. I chastise myself for this often, including on this forum.

Donald Trump is president. The president for the next four years is either going to be Trump or Biden. If it’s Trump, our president for the next 20-30 years will be Donald Trump, Donald Trump Jr., and/or Ivanka Trump. The only way that will change is with a bloody revolution and the good guys don’t have the guns, nor would they have a chance even if they did. They’d just get droned.

This is it, dude, this is winner take all. We’re either going to be a democracy in 2021, or we’re going to be an authoritarian state with a dictator. A vote for anyone other than Biden is half a vote for a right-wing authoritarian dictatorship.

But, at least you’ll have your purity while we all waste away in a concentration camp. They’ll never be able to take that away!

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Many disenfranchised Americans have been living in a fascist police state for a while no matter who the leader was. People have been getting locked up for nothing, having rights abused, and being constantly harassed/surveillance by the state no matter who has been in charge. There’s a reason this countries voter participation is so low and having to yell at people to vote for someone kind of proves the point. My vote and most other people’s votes in the next presidential election doesn’t really matter much. The usual people that vote will vote and majority of the states are already decided where they fall, it’ll only matter in a few states

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Sure, let’s brush this one aside so tabbaker can easily ignore it and cast his half vote for Trump. When members of this forum are casting half a vote for Trump, that’s when you know this country is truly and utterly and irredeemably fucked.


No thanks

I completely reject this premise. The number of people in the streets is going to depend on the margins of victory. If we beat him by 10M votes and he declares it illegitimate due to voter fraud and tries to keep power, that’s drastically different than if we beat him by 3M votes and the same happens.

We need to run up the score, bigtime. The margin could also impact the decisions of states like California or NY on secession.


This logic makes no sense yet it’s used all the time as if it is so clear.

The reason some states are “decided” is because people in those states will vote.

It’s bizarre to say “those guys are voting so it’s decided. How can my voting change their voting”.

Texas in in play for Christ sake. 4 months ago you would have loled me so fast if I suggested voting in Texas matters.

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Secession ain’t just happening like that. If you’re thinking about secession get an AR-15. Baby steps.

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Has this been posted before? How come I’ve missed it?

It’s happening in Portland, and someone from DHS(?) said they’re going to start doing it nationwide.

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Yes, check the last 2-3 days in the George Floyd thread. There are federal soliders/officers of some sort in full camo going around Portland, Oregon, in unmarked rental cars snatching people off the streets. No badges, the only markings say “POLICE” with no indication of the agency or whatever. We think they’re part of DHS’s PACT forces that were established after Trump’s 6/26 EO to protect the monuments and such.

DHS says they plan to expand what’s happening in Portland nationwide, which is another indicator that it’s PACT and that it’s going to get worse.

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People are being rounded up by military police and the country is falling deeper and deeper into fascism but no mass protests in sight. Maybe a larger number of ppl would come out and protest if the score was run up and Trump declared victory but I’m skeptical on how big of an impact the score would be.

They are just gloating over their victory.


Rose twitter, DSA, tabbaker, whatevs and the rest can hem and haw about John Lewis and how he betrayed progressive values and he was an establishment shill but what it comes down to is this: He endorsed not-Bernie, so he is the enemy.

Don’t even bother trying to argue, because they are in just as much of a cult of personality as MAGAts.


Obviously Trump because there are only two actual candidates.

Just to be clear, I am directly saying to those of you who say “don’t vote for Biden” that you are actively supporting the re-election of Donald Trump, because that is literally what you are doing.


Except nobody cares about Bernie anymore. Not much of a cult of personality.

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Lol you brought it up here in the Trump thread, which is the candidate you are supporting for election so we can just keep discussing it here.


I was just offering the true reason they cannot bring themselves to praise John Lewis. They can protest, but it’s true. You may not be in that camp, but never doubt that the camp exists.

Usually the cults allow no criticism of their leaders…