Arguing about voting, purity, and RIP John Lewis

All the candidates including Pete WHO WAS AHEAD OF BIDEN drop out just so Bernie doesn’t win and y’all want to support that. Go ahead that’s your choice and I understand why you’re doing it. I’m not about that though.

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No one did anything there that should be illegal.

I’m in NYC and I’ll be voting for Biden, just to get on the record.

If there was a legitimate third party progressive candidate that I truly believed in, I would consider him or her, but still would probably vote for Biden.

Also the Bernie cult thing is weird but w/e. I supported Hillary in 2016 and there are definitely things I don’t like about Bernie, although I voted for him this go around and obviously supported him.


So much heat I’m getting for criticizing Bernie.


Also, at the risk of sounding too much like everyone sucks, Bernie’s votes on guns are just as bad as anything Lewis did while in Congress and he should be ashamed of those votes forever.


As someone who came from the political wilderness and was always known for being Scottish it was quite eye-opening when getting attacked as a Berniebro, but whatever.

There’s only 2 Cults-The GOP and The EDems imo.


So you’re not cancelling champ for his last post?

We’re really going to be firing SHATS at John Fucking Lewis when his body isn’t even cold yet? Jesus, the internet is a weird place.




It would be quite hypocritical of me as I’ve critizied Bernie more than Biden.

Mind you Biden didn’t exactly show his policy’s… :confused:

So, like a hundred posts ago champ said something about not liking stuff that John Lewis did and that’s how you characterize what has happened?


Lol, so your major beef is that Bernie wasn’t able to win with a plurality of votes and couln’t keep taking advantage of the fact that the so called “centrist” dems were split amongst multiple candidates? I feel like we kinda need an “in which we re-re-re-re-re-litigate the democratic primaries” thread tbh.


I have tab on ignore, so I’m just assuming his posting about John Lewis was AIDS.

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You get that there’s a difference between posting something like that in this thread in this context and posting something like that during the primaries in the primary thread, right?

I get that your post was incredibly wrong. I’ve said those things multiple times in every context and not once has some “BernieBro” told me to stop criticizing the Dear Leader. Champ has also posted about Bernie on guns repeatedly. No complaints from anyone, including tabbaker.


My major beef is the Dems and the shitty people that support them will do anything to prevent poor people from having better lives.


Fine, but still ignore the point that you have two choices in November. Poor people have shitty lives that undeniably improve (you can debate how much), or poor people have shitty lives that undeniably get WAY WAY WORSE. Not voting for Biden is helping to enable the latter.


Im saying i doubt there is anyone on this site who would not criticize Bernie in some way.

But more there, im saying there seems to be a cult mentality with no allowance of criticism of John Lewis.


Wateves and tababker bring him up in every discussion. Tababker cited Lewis disagreeing with him literally today as evidence of Lewis being awful.

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Lol nice try he literally said Lewis just spewed right wing talking points. Try putting my quote in context.

Maybe look up straw man since you are the one doing it, not me. I never mentioned any comparison to trump. I also played nearly no role in this derail.