Arguing about voting, purity, and RIP John Lewis

I might be confusing things. But was it you who just recently said Bernie was a centrist compared to the rest of the world? If so Lewis would be right wing no?

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He said a right wing talking point doesn’t make him Trump

Nope that wasn’t me.

“said a right wing talking point” is mostly used by the centrist/establishment types and it’s a stupid point itself that’s like a proclamation of thoughtlessness.

SMDH. Don’t these bernie bros realize that they can do something positive for poor people other than fight for some silly M4A malarkey. Like they could become prosecutors or stan for Biden on an internet forum with ~0 trump voters.

Could you imagine a senate full of 100 biden clones! My god they’d probably vote for horrible policies just like the real biden did. Make that man president. You’re welcome poors.


Where did I say Lewis spewed right wing talking points?

What are you talking about?

Clovis is either using ambiguous pronouns or conflating you with tabbaker.

I wasn’t confused I was talking about tababker. That is the post I made responding too. More reason why goofys post is pure bad faith.

Clovis and I will both not be voting for Biden.


You know what you meant, but I think you can appreciate how champ would be confused by these posts, one replying to the other.

You’d literally prefer we all end up in concentration camps than Biden win that way.

Yes, I’m a shitty person. That’s why I voted for Bernie in '16 and '20, donated to Bernie in '20, donated to Cisneros in her primary in TX and Bowman in his primary in NY, etc. I’m literally donating money to people who want to raise my taxes to help poor people have better lives. I’m giving money in the hopes that I’ll have to give more money to help poor people.

So get the fuck off your high horse. I don’t want any recognition for doing the right thing, but I’d like to not be spat at and shitted on while voting and donating against my own financial self-interest. Pete’s and Biden’s healthcare plans are WAY better for me personally, and I’ve gone HAM against them and in favor of single payer at every opportunity.

But because I’m not a jackass, because I realize that Trump getting re-elected is the end of representative democracy in this country, the end of free speech, the expansion of camps, etc, I’m a shitty person? Fuck off.


And its true those are right wing talking points. But not only, plenty of dems get in on the you just want free stuff disingenuous talking point.

True but I won’t because I am not allowed. You won’t because you care more about your self image than actually helping people in the real world.

I believe tabbaker is taking a knee as part of a sincere belief that it is for the greater good, just like Buttigieg took a knee because he thought Biden winning the nomination was for the greater good.

Maybe. Doubt it. But, maybe.

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I don’t understand how you can possibly think I’m the one on the high horse in this scenario.

We’ve never had a representative democracy. From landing owning whites to mass incarceration to straight up shutting down polling stations to Wyoming having the same amount of Senators as California. Trump didn’t do all this himself. This is what America is and always has been.

I get why you and many others will vote for Biden. I rather he win than Trump. But don’t pretend like a man that has taken part in many civil liberty violations throughout his long political career will be some great saver of democracy.


Yes I’m doing it so everyone on this forum will love me. That’s clearly going so well.


You’re calling me and everyone who votes for him shitty people. I vote against my own self-interest for the greater good. I donate against my own self-interest for the greater good. I have to frustratingly deal with millions of poor people voting against their own self-interest in primaries for Biden and other establishment Dems, but that’s their right. Then I get to also deal with you telling me I’m a shitty person for voting for whoever wins in the general election against the GOP. No, I’m not tolerating it.

Literally anyone who believes in and respects democracy will be a great saver of democracy in our current situation.

Eh, you’re both right.

Between Trump and Biden, the guy who will help the rich people is Trump. I don’t think any of us were demanding you vote for anyone in the primary. Nobody on this forum supported Biden in the primary as far as I know. We were appalled that he won. Biden wants to raise cap gains taxes as high as 40%. Trump wants to cut them to zero.

Who’s for the rich and who’s for the poor?

You want socialism or nothing at all. If Trump wins you’re going to get death camps, instead.