Arguing about voting, purity, and RIP John Lewis

Lapka you would be helping put people in camps fuck off forever.

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lol at socialists being responsible for Trump


Biden is not for the poor. Itā€™s the same as every argument. Yes heā€™s less worse than Trump. No Iā€™m not voting for someone less worse.

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A cap gains tax at the same level as regular income and up to 40% is actually a pretty major change. Increasing the top tax bracket to 40% is pretty significant. Thatā€™s the highest marginal tax rate weā€™ve had since 1986, PLUS it applies to all cap gains.

Thatsā€™ a huge step in the right direction and a huge shift in the Overton window.

How many people in the country would you vote for? Like 3?

Iā€™m voting for the Dem running for congress here and probably other down ballot races.

Youā€™ve called tabbaker a ā€œstupid piece of shitā€ in four separate posts. I think youā€™ve made your point.


I said I donā€™t want to be shitted on while doing it, I specifically said I donā€™t want credit just for doing whatā€™s right.

We have two options. One leads to future options where we might be able to do better (like AOC). The other leads to the permanent demise of our democracy, with permanent and ongoing damage to the rest of the world.

Who are the right wing Dems in this forum??


Everyone except for Tab, duh.


I dunno, man. If this were like 2016 I might be feeling you, but 150 fucking thousand Americans have died from a pandemic, and that number is ldo going way up. Protesters are getting snatched up off the streets by undercover Federal agents under the cover of a truly dystopian law. Trump is laying the groundwork to render an election moot if he doesnā€™t like the result. And fucking so on.

Saying Biden = Trump at this point, to a forum clearly on fucking edge, is either blatant trolling, attention seeking, or like a potentially OD amount of crazy pills.


Did you breakdown how much of your check goes to the poors yet? I was waiting for the analysis after you called us all stupids.


Definitely stealing ā€œjumblies.ā€ Where in the fuck did that come from.

I 100% stole it from British humor even if I canā€™t remember where

I flagged your posts because they are rude as fuckā€¦ End off Zara.

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Far and few, far and few,
Are the lands where the Jumblies live;
Their heads are green, and their hands are blue,
And they went to sea in a Sieve.

Yes but in Context I seen them as you just coming in and throwing mud, which you realised after NBZ said as muchā€¦ I flagged them also because I hoped to get a response and calm the rudeness down as a actually like you as a poster and enjoy hearing your experiences, as youā€™ve said the same about me I believe we have some mutual respect.

If I go off Iā€™d expect a friend to point it out too, or hope. :v:

:sunglasses: Chill itā€™s Saturday night :dancer:

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This is youā€™re 1st post @zarapochka itt




I flagged your 1st & 4th post ittā€¦

I see no mention of JB or any other opinion other than the expletives.

Letā€™s move onā€¦ :beers:


John Lewis made the world a better place. That, I think we can all agree on.

Dedicating this sweet Jazz classic. RIP OG.

OKā€¦ So Iā€™ve went back & re-read the thread and cannot see where Tabbaker has mentioned your name in a post, it seems that to me you responded after the above post by Tabbaker, if Iā€™ve missed tabs mentioning your name can you provide the quote he has attributed to yourself, thanks.


1st Editā€¦

So he didnā€™t actually personally attack you but was saying his politician thinking is different.