Arguing about voting, purity, and RIP John Lewis

See my edit too please…

Have you showed your paycheck breakdown with regard to the poors yet? You called us all stupid and took your ball without proof.


Smacc isn’t a mod. One person flagged one post? Go ahead and flag tabakkers. I’ve never flagged a post and think it’s generally dumb, but if no one else does it, I will in a bit.


Claiming that voting for Biden is voting for Trump is nuts. We all agree Sanders was shitted on. I voted for and donated to Bernie. I don’t need a lecture on why Bernie was better or how he was treated.

Also this:

Well to be fair to you, I agree with that.

Especially given recent events, I don’t see a morally justifiable argument that can be made against voting for Joe Biden.

If you think Trump on a first term is bad then wait until he doesn’t have to worry about reelection.

Well, that was a few weeks ago. Just wondering if you did post it actually like you said you were going to. All good. I think someone (GermanGuy) posted the real shit anyway.

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Nor do I and have said so

Flagging posts has nothing to do with moderation (won’t show any misogyny you think it will here) and anyone can do it

In fact it’s the opposite. It’s morally unjustifiable to vote for anyone but Biden given the current situation.

Earlier in the thread NBZ compared it to taking a knee but that is a terrible analogy. Taking a knee harms nobody. It’s symbolic. There is no way it leads to a worse world.

The same is empirically not true of not voting for Biden. Doing so is actively increasing the odds of real harm.

Majority of this forum doesn’t flag any posts so I think your looking into it too much. I don’t like flagging posts (never have, actually I probably have once or twice now that I think about it) because I always click to see flagged posts anyways so would rather have “flagged” views out in the open


Jesus. Refusing to vote for Biden because he isn’t enough better than Trump is just the height of fucking privilege. I get what your theoretical endgame is, but watching Trump get reelected both makes that impossible in the long term and facilitates the expansion of concentration camps in the short-term.

Vote for the people most likely to get kids out of camps. This isn’t hard. There’s a reason Bernie himself was so quick to endorse Biden. People are suffering while you pout about not getting your way.


Even if that’s the case that doesn’t really say anything about the forum. If one person decides to flag your posts are other people supposed to flag the posts of the person you’re arguing with to show you that there’s some type of fairness or whatever? It just seems a weird way to make judgments from something that the majority of people don’t take part in and have no control over who flags what.

I read all your posts a little after they were made and didn’t see them flagged and would’ve never known they were flagged unless mentioned


You just didn’t get what I was doing there.

Trump getting a 2nd term is the death rattle of American democracy. How anybody can make a decision that makes that more likely is unconscionable.

I can’t do much from abroad other than vote. Given that I’m registered in New York, all it does is cancel out my mother’s vote.

As a side note, I disagree about Bernie only being a centrist. I look parties where I live like ANO 2011, the centrist party here, and they’re definitely to the right of him. He’s definitely more in line with Socialist Worker’s Party in Spain and Labour in the UK.

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In all honesty I think it was the repetition wot did for you. One or two might have been fine but you went and breached the 3 “piece of shit” per 10 post maximum and caused a klaxon to sound.


That appears to be the case.

There won’t be any punishment, someone flagging it just makes it not visible for everyone unless they click to view the post

Nah, I made it up. Just illustrating a personal hunch that a load of similar insults in such a short time frame are more likely to piss off your casual reader, more likely to then get flagged, etc.

The correct path may seem different to people who believe that American democracy is an incredibly flawed democracy or isn’t even worthy of the name “democracy”. Start with the assumption that justice is impossible within the framework of American-style democracy. For someone who believes that, what should they be rooting for in the 2020 election?