The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: Unconstitutional Slop

5 million people watch Hannity? That’s horrifying.


You sound more surprised than you ought to be.


do I bother mentioning, if Obama did this, they’d have already started forming militias for the civil war with this portland shit?


I thought cable news topped out at 2-3 million.

3-4 million is an average day but also note that the biggest demographic is viewers 50+ (P 50+ column on the right) which is why Fox is stuck with shitty advertisers like MyPillow.

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Some fun observations in here iyam

At a speech attacking Biden today, Vice-President Mike Pence leaned on the theme that Biden won’t really be president at all. “Joe Biden has referred to himself as a transition candidate, and what many are asking across this country is, a transition to what?” asked Pence. “I thought Joe Biden won the Democratic primary, but looking at that [unity] document, it seems like Bernie won.” When your campaign is reduced to implicitly conceding that it would be great if Biden was president but it isn’t going to happen, you’re in a place of clear desperation.

During the Democratic primary, some progressives argued that there was little value in avoiding unpopular left-wing positions and labels, since Trump was going to call his opponent a radical socialist regardless of who he faced. It’s true that Trump was going to do this, but it’s not true that the tactic would work equally well on any opponent. It’s harder to pin an unpopular position on an opponent who refuses to support it than it is on an opponent who denies it.

John Lewis died. I was hoping he’d live long enough to see the Trump era end.


This fucking year man


God this year sucks. Lewis had to be one of the greatest living Americans. So much time has passed that a lot of the sacrifices he made in the 60s went down as “he was a civil rights leader” in recent times. It’s easy to forget what that means. This guy got knocked unconscious, and kept coming. He got his skull fractured, and kept coming. And he never quit. He was still leading sit-ins on the floor of the House in his 70s for gun control.

What a loss.


we need to plan how we’re going to weekend at bernies style RBG


I just posted this in the house/senate thread. Between this and the RBG news, today just flat sucked.

I’m really starting to think the determining factor in how this all ends is going to be how many people are willing to take the streets. I don’t think we save our democracy any other way, I don’t think we’re likely to get rid of Trump any other way because he’ll just cry voter fraud.

This goes for the election or any potential SCOTUS seat.


I’ve thought that for a while. And our side is way outnumbered in the weapon department.

I’ve mentally prepared myself for RBG not lasting until November. I remain stoic, but fuck, this sucks.

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The no guns and no police strategy at the same time was not well thought out. That would leave nothing to stop them from just blasting away.

she has to last to inaug in Jan, I mean there’s no way mitch wouldn’t ram that in there. It looks bad but she’s lasted longer than any mere mortal would’ve already.

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joe is gonna nominate merrick garland to replace lol i just know it


Depending on how long she makes it, we the people may have something to say about it. I mean, we might be able to blockade the Capitol with human bodies for like a week.

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That’s the part where my remote control becomes a projectile and I need a new television.

given garland is 67, even twitter centrist lawnmowers would get thrown into orbit (and 68 by the time he’d ever get confirmed)