The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: Unconstitutional Slop

Well clearly opening schools is the best way to reduce daily cases, Q.E.D.


Stop getting tested at all seems like the obvious play here


Yes this guy gets shared by all the wackos in Ohio. He’s insane.

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@catfacemeowmers @Supwithbates

Just quoting here because don’t want to take the COVID thread on a derail.

But it doesn’t require a military coup.

Tell me what happens if Trump decides the election isn’t valid because voter fraud in Milwaukee or Philadelphia or Detroit and the Supreme Court agrees.

Per the Constitution the President is the new Speaker. Anyone committing actions to the contrary has started a coup against the US

Another example of where his mental illness really shows up. He just randomly “disagrees” with experts on a variety of issues, and really has no justification for his disagreement. He’s clearly very deeply mentally disturbed. Its just unbelievable that he’s been enabled to this degree for this long.

The Supreme Court determines what the Constitution says.

Obviously this is just a hypothetical and not practical in any way, but I genuinely wonder if this behavior by Trump re: COVID is impeachable. Quite literally everything he demands and does goes against scientific/health recommendations. He wants people to march to their deaths or lifelong debilitation solely for political reasons.

I’m sitting here trying to figure out if I’m going to send my kids back to school in a month (and possibly argue with my wife about it) and how long I’m going to make my daughter not go to gymnastics, all because Trump and his administration dug in their heels months ago to somehow improve his reelection chances.


It’s not random. The left picks a side, he picks the opposite side and refutes any evidence that shows he picked wrong. Issues that should never be partisan like “masks save lives” become so because he doesn’t know anything else.


yes and no. The Court is on thin ice when it comes to pure politics and the other branches. It’s very hard for me to envision a scenario where the Court steps in and says Trump can cancel the election and remain the president.


lul, cliffs:

This clown says Biden should worry about the left using 25th amendment to remove him 2 months into presidency

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Not “cancel the election” so much as “declare election invalid due to voter fraud”.

And it’s not hard for me to envision at all. How frequently has John Roberts been on Team Good Guy in a voting rights case?

Might be the first time I’m rooting for Harvard.


“Resistance to school reopening is only from politically motivated Trump haters!”

“My own CDC is resisting school reopening. I’ll straighten them out.”



Mary Trump claims tRUmp helped his sister to obtain an open seat in the US District Court for the District of New Jersey, through his friend and lawyer, Roy Cohn.

So I guess it all washes out in the end


A monarchy where new kings are chosen by combat.