The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: Unconstitutional Slop

It’s gotta be worth a try at this point.


The Court would never be on thin ice again if they did this, do you see why?

Like me I bet he only knows the one song

A bad record on the Voting Rights Act is a very different thing than invalidating an election. We are right to be concerned about the many undemocratic and corrupt institutions in our country. Perhaps I’m too naive. I’m just pointing out that an action like this is the type of thing the Court tries to avoid because its credibility rests in large part on avoiding certain types of overtly political activities. It is not all-powerful.

+11 House Ballot should be a slaughter, it was only like 7-9 in 2018 right?

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I do not see why. Unless you mean they would fall through the ice and be discredited and potentially fundamentally changed when the dust settles and the opposition party takes power.

How would the opposition party ever take power in this scenario?



Remember when we were excited to vote for a candidate, not just to vote against Trump?



I mean that’s kind of my point. Is the argument here that SCOTUS is going to indefinitely prevent the majority of the country from asserting its political power by continuously invalidating elections? That’s not sustainable and it’s not how the Court operates. People would pretty quickly say okay fuck the Court. And they know that.

Democracy sausages promote voter fraud IMO.

You see how far many Americans are? If people got a sausage for each vote we would have 500 million votes in the election.


Yeah, it took 15 days for the official results to be posted for the election I ran in (final numbers were 10 or 11 days, but not official). I don’t think even half of the votes were counted on election night. My 14 day sweat for where I would finish was confirmed not fun.

Anyone voting for Kanye has a New York strip face waiting for the leopard parade to begin.


Obviously having Covid hospitalizations surpass Covid positive tests will fix everything.

I’m saying that at a minimum that scenario is on the table in the short term. And people need to stop pretending that it isn’t and proactively figure out what to do if this scenario occurs.

No it’s basically the opposite. Trump gets another term, he goes full dictator, now everything is fair game in every election and the GOP holds the presidency for decades. Trump wins a third term or hands it off to Don Jr or Ivanka, and we just go full Putin’s Russia. There’s no accountability for anyone on Team GOP, so the Supreme Court has nothing to worry about. RBG and Breyer are replaced by two more Kavanaughs, maybe they let Sotomayor and Kagan stay around and write dissents in all the 7-2 decisions, maybe they impeach them, who knows?

They would only have to do it once. Dems would never get within shouting distance of winning a presidential election again. What would people do after they said fuck the Court? Answer: absolutely nothing. Like 25% of us would know they were a joke, 25% would be all “Well, John Roberts is a serious man,” and half would be like “WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO LOLFUCKYOU!”

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Do you have any ideas? Serious question. When we start talking about riggage, I kind of throw up my hands and focus on getting out enough voters that riggage can’t defeat. But that’s because I can’t discern a more meaningful solution for the next four months. Your thoughts are appreciated.

It’s not that complicated, you either take the streets, leave the country, or stay put and watch the indescribably immorality and suffering up close, hoping you stay in the “in group.”

Choose wisely.

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