The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: Unconstitutional Slop

Nothing better than this:

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Yeah that’s the exact model. If Trump gets a second term, he’s either staying president until he dies or passing it off to Ivanka or Don Jr. in 2024, and we will lose every presidential election for a long time, probably not even close. We would probably be able to keep the House, but they’ll eventually abolish it or something.

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First, President Trump decided not to confront Putin about supplying arms to the terrorist group. Second, during the very times in which U.S. military officials publicly raised concerns about the program’s threat to US forces, Trump undercut them. He embraced Putin, overtly and repeatedly, including at the historic summit in Helsinki. Third, behind the scenes, Trump directed the CIA to share intelligence information on counterterrorism with the Kremlin despite no discernible reward ,


Would it satisfy ICE if international students were required by their universities to attend an in-person class called, let’s say, Recent American History? Attendance would only be required for the final exam, the single question on which would be: Donald Trump is a motherfucking idiot, T/F?

( twitter | raw text )

Can’t wait for Trump to wheel a 5 foot version of this to own the libs


The federal government won’t provide funding or even a cohesive plan, but they insist schools must reopen.

Let the governors figure out the details.

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Seems easy to me, unlock 1 door between school hours, have the principal guard it, and don’t let anyone come in. Schools forcibly opened safely…sort of.

Any demands from the Trump Administration to open all schools should come with the requirement of a fully-attended Republican National Convention.

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I like Joe Biden.

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New General Election Poll has Biden up by 10, 50-40

And it’s fucking Rasmussen! White House Watch - Rasmussen Reports®


DeVos. Cruella DeVille in charge of animal welfare. Jfc what a screwed up country.

Going to be great when the CDC recommends opening schools soon.

Take note, Donald. This is how you photo op.

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My toughest thing when deciding on sending my kids to school is that it’s going to be some kids going back and some kids staying home. I want to keep my kids home, but I don’t want to fuck them up socially (especially because one is starting middle school and one is finishing middle school) if they are in the minority. It probably sounds stupid, but it’s a real concern.


I don’t see any of this happening. Trump is very unpopular. His presidency has been a disaster. I look around and I see very little appetite for installing him as dictator-for-life.

I get that the Trump years have been nuts and have seen a ton of institutional erosion. I’m just not seeing any evidence that things will go the way you describe here. It sounds like you’re arguing the country would passively accept a SCOTUS-imposed blockade on elections going forward. I don’t agree with that.


My grandson will start pre-K in a Wisconsin county that has had 40 cases total so far. They are essentially operating per normal.

The school situation is abysmal and I feel bad for all of you that have kids. The solution is so so so simple but will never be tried here. We should have had restrictions in place this summer to control the spread of the virus so that we could relatively safely open schools. Instead we let the entire country cosplay as an extra in a Girls Gone Wild video and now we have a completely out of control situation. It would probably take two months of lockdown just to get the numbers back to where they were in May. And I don’t think most people would have felt safe sending their kids to school with the May numbers.

There are no good choices left because we are way past the point of no return for getting things under control by late August.




I have been assured that Trump campaign won’t get fooled by this trick twice. I am assured of this. Seriously though, seems like Trump campaign SOP going forward will be to have “extras” in place to fill empty seats. No way they will ever allow a repeat of that Marine One walk of shame photo.