The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: Unconstitutional Slop

Oops, mixed up my Bills. Stepien is Christie’s flak of Bridgegate fame. I was thinking Bill Shine. Same point basically applies.

And you’re right. Stepien is a proven criminal henchman.


I’m going to go ahead and guess his fire is him sending a tweet calling Biden sleepy. It will be devastating.

All the hate in the world for all the Reagan/Bush/Bush republicans who are suddenly outraged at the state of the GOP. FFFFUUUUUU



In case you haven’t seen this, it’s pretty satisfying and there needs to be more of it.


Trump is getting more desperate every day and he flailing. He strengthens his inner core support while he keeps shedding off the outer edges.

2016 was terrifying because we were all naive and ignorant as to the breadth and depth of Trump’s populism. We now have a really good idea where those lines are. When he starts patting himself on the back for rounding up ms13 members and execute them he has totally lost the plot.

This moves his inner core from 110% to 125% but it absolutely is a turn off for everyone else.

I suspect this will be the strategy until the election. Turning hard into his “strengths”. Problem is this just exposes the actual size of his die hard base. Even with voter suppression and shenanigans he can not win with this strategy. He has to start doing something different.


I am okay with simmering that hate for a few more months at this point.

That’s so good.


They’re going to set a course for the planet Alderaan first.

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Who got hacked recently? I’ve seen a few mentions of it.

apparently someone was able to post on blue checked accounts to scam everyone (and well I don’t know the full amount but it appears they got over 100k) and tweeted it on all the famous people you’d expect except trump.

And then all blue checks were unable to Tweet for a couple hours, probably due to Twitter trying to regain control.

Mitch waited too long to pull the rip cord. If he cuts Trump now then all the Trumpers stay home or spite vote D.

Narrator: they cheated and America ended.


OMG I’m halfway through and this is gold

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My sister (early 20s), who is a socialist activist, was 3/4 in on Wayfairgate. She wasn’t 100% sure if it was true, but she tried real hard to convince me why it made total sense. How can these names be the first names of missing women? Makes ya think.

Imo it all must have something to do with people being trapped inside that turns them on to these fringe ideas. It seems to hit across the whole ideological spectrum.

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The US will soon be irrelevant if lowlifes are so easily able to hack into the presidency.

( twitter | raw text )