The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: Unconstitutional Slop

Today is a really bad day for me. I was talking to one of my best friends on the phone. He is about as non political as a person can be.

While talking to him today he asked me

Have you heard of Candace Owens?

It just spiraled from there.


If Mitch McConnell decided that the presidency was a lost cause, would he literally knife Trump in the back if he thought it would preserve Republican control of the Senate?

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I think the thing holding them all to Trump right now is the polling that their main concern is loyalty to Trump.


I think this specific poll is pretty important. I think it is going to be much harder to get someone to go out and vote for a candidate they have a negative opinion of. That disparity could be a very significant factor. I think the negative feelings suppress turnout for those candidates with those people.

Sweet Jesus man sorry, so so bad


The only reasonable answer here is “Have you ever heard of Unstuck Politics?!?!?”


Yeah this is what I’ve always said. Even if his approval drops to 30%, that 30% still makes up like 80% of the Republican voting base if if they turn on Trump they would get killed way, way worse.

They are tied to Trump no matter what at this point.

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Happened to me with ex. She sent me a video. I was like holy shit what’s happened to you? Been giving her grief so she at least checks credibility of sources. Instead she prefers to not post which I guess is kind of a win.


I think the thing holding the GOP to Trump now is the certainty that he is a paranoid narcissist who will take down anyone who turns on him. He’s like Al Pacino in Donnie Brasco when he shoots Richie because he assumes the club got raided because someone ratted him out.

Nah, Richie didn’t rat him out. He just forgot to pay off the cops. But Lefty was willing to shoot Richie on the mere SUSPICION that he’d turned on him.

Compare that to someone like McCain or Romney. Those guys at least cared about preserving the GOP, etc etc etc.

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well, he didn’t say alex jones I guess. Yet.

First sighting of pizza gate in the wild.

Old school friend. I’d noticed a slow slide. Vaccines. Fluoride. Masks.

Yesterday she shared an article about a global conspiracy of paedophiles. Pizza gate got a mention.

This is in Australia. So just extra crazy.


I’ve found that people don’t want to push conversation about pizzagate if you hint that might be pro-pedophilia or are at least willing to joke about being so.


Good thing we’re not the laughingstock of the world anymore



Welp, looks like I am now honor bound to believe in God


Agree, but the polls also show something like 77% with a strong interest in the election, which is apparently unprecedented in July. Rachel Bitcoffer has been hammering on negative partisanship and correctly predicted 2018. GOP actually had high turnout in 2018 but got swamped. I would assume 2020 will be similar. Though, to vote for Trump as a “swing” voter you not only need to be uneducated and uninformed, you also need to vote, and the latter doesn’t correlate well with the former.




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