The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: Unconstitutional Slop

It is amazing that Dems found the most strongly hated person in the USA to run for office. lol, at 50% she was only 3 points behind Trump in the middle of a botched pandemic and an economic collapse.


You wash hogs with lies.


Messed up part is Trump only went from 48 to 53 between 2016 and 2020.


“When you get raped in Donald Trump’s America, your rapist becomes president. Or gets seated on SCOTUS.”


how does twitter get a mass hack and these people try to swindle everyone but trump followers?

thank god we didn’t nominate bernie. can you imagine what they’d be throwing at him?

the exact same shit, you say? hmmm interesting


Yeah the two I know who jumped off ship, my uncles, were both Trump supporters but they never talked about it.

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I mean, sweet summer child and all, but if the dems are consistently winning California, NY, and Texas, electoral college isn’t going to matter one way or the other.


Yep, my 7th grader is really upset that he doesn’t get to go back in the fall. He hated the online learning in the Spring. But we really don’t have any other options right now.

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Was this really done through machine learning or just a very creative account of what it WOULD be like?

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That guy makes this stuff up. But he’s good at making it hilarious. I’ll allow it.


You can be scared about a lot wrt this election IMO but the economy bouncing back isn’t one of them lol. Look at what’s happening with coronavirus. The economic impact of thousands of people dying a day is definitely going to make things worse, not better. Just look at Disney World as the perfect example. Yeah the reopened because loldesantis, but nobody is going except crazy diehard adults who make up like 5 percent of their normal attendance.

Ok, i figured as much. It was a fantastic read.

Proud Eating and China is not a good son to have currently are both amazing.

Is pipes around for some unskewing of these polls so we can see what the hell is going on here?


He is really just jealous that he can’t just directly murder protesters himself.

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Trump is an enormous pussy. He can’t even actually fire people to their face.


It is definitely too late to abandon Trump now. That will turn a horrible situation into a historical disaster.

Still think there is a possibility the republicans take it full on in the teeth down ticket.