The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: Unconstitutional Slop

lol was just waiting for you to come in with this, sadly you ponied, and also i dont think we share the same optimism as you that the rats are going overboard, maybe overboard into an ocean of the trump koolaid…


The more Trump goes down, the more supporters abandon him. Trump railing about opening schools is hurting him.

no i 100% agree supporters going off the ship, Simplicitus means politician supporters though, that they would leave once he hit 36%

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Needs to be tweeted at someone. Dan Rather?

Damn I have seen zero cracks in support round these parts for Trump. Idiots support opening schools next month and everything it’s unreal.

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I think they’re just going to go all in on cheating instead of actually changing public opinion. Repeated invitations to Russia to interfere, making it as inconvenient as possible for “urban” people to vote, planting seeds to claim the election results are illegitimate. All of this stuff is happening.


Same up here in West Alabama (East San Diego county). Even the teachers want to go back, they’re so brainwashed. They couch it in language like “we care abut the kids’ development so much, they need to be back and socializing with their peers!”

I"m like, kids can’t develop socially if they’re fucking DEAD, KAREN!


It is funny, Trump is the world’s worst promoter right now. Read that he took the hard stance on school re-openings because it polled well, and I believe it. I personally heard murmuring/waivering from “liberal elite” that “well Coronavirus virus is dangerous and I’m worried about it… but is it worse than my kid missing another year of education and social development… and even if my kids will be fine regardless, what about all the kids who aren’t getting the help/education they need because their parents aren’t able to assist them w/ online learning? They will be devastated and fall even further behind…”

Then Trump goes hard in the paint on reopening schools while acting like a callous jackass, and everyone is like FU we are not sending our kids back to school.


Right? His most ardent supporters include people who think everyone should be home schooled anyway. Pressuring people to go back to public school because the government said so is not a solid strategy. He will further fracture his base

without costing himself a single vote

But on Facebook they said kids can’t even get Covid!

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A similar ad has been running nonstop in the philly region the past two weeks. “When you get raped in Joe Bidens America the police will take 5 days to respond” as they show videos of looting and riots.

Fear works on stupid people.


How do we make stupid people more afraid of Republicans?

I wonder if the voiceover guy is on board or just paid. If just paid they need to pay him double to make ads that say “Donald Trump” made me lie to you…

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Don’t we have to wait until Nate officially says 36?

I’d like to see a poll on

Would you get a Trump rushed vaccine in October?

Yes phrase it that way- this is war.

All the proTrump antivax idiots heads will explode.

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The 2020 Trump campaign is going to be the biggest grifting opportunity since the fall of the Soviet Union

The ones that crack probably aren’t the ones who were vocal about their support.

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