The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: retweets WHITE POWER, condemns Black Lives Matter, regrets criminal justice reform

It boggles my mind that one of the last competent people left in the Trump administration was the person who decided to start a fence reinforcement project at the White House a few months back…


God, these Lincoln Project dipshits are so useless. Do you think working-class shlubs give a single fuck about what this or that flag stood for in a war 150 years ago? Fuck your dumb esoteric heraldry bullshit, tell me how you’re going to make life better for people in the Rust Belt? They can’t, because the Lincoln Project grifters don’t give a shit about anything other than cashing checks from gullible centrist Dem politicos. They’re shitty allies, we should stop celebrating them.

Where does the Lincoln Project stand on the minimum wage, healthcare, policing? Any actual policy? They won’t talk about that shit in their ads because they fundamentally agree with the Republicans on all of that shit. So they make useless ads about Confederate flag heraldry, man no one outside of the Beltway gives a rip about that shit.

These people are not your allies. They’re grifty consultants. Stop glorifying their bullshit.


Just out of curiosity, did they finish that or no?

It’s still ongoing. If you see some of the footage from Lafayette Park, behind the police lines there is a bunch of plywood that blocks some of the line of sight to the WH. That has actually been there for a while and was originally put up to block the construction area from the pedestrian space on Pennsylvania Ave.


Yeah I noticed yesterday some fencing that had like white tarps over it, that looked like it was mid-construction project.

Has anyone heard anything about what’s happening to those arrested? They’re into mid four figures now. LA did mass arrests on Friday (>500) so I’d think there’d be some news on them at least.

The only thing a quick google comes up with is a daughter of NY’s mayor got arrested for unlawful assembly and was released with a “desk ticket”, which another quick google says in NY state means you’re proly getting charged with a misdemeanor.

I’m sure the Bill Kristol ads are terrible, but I’m not a fan of this recurring rant of yours, the gist of which is like: why would poor people care about things other than their healthcare or wages? Poor people care about symbolism just as much as the wealthy (for example, church). My father is non-college and dirt poor, a furniture mover at age 60, and he mainly talks about politics through the lens of foreign policy, and rants about Donald Trump embarrassing America on the world stage. I’m not saying he’s typical, but poor Americans caring about patriotic bullshit isn’t some DC insider delusion. Americans of all incomes are extremely patriotic.


Maybe you can heart my post then you cheap fuck.



I agree with you guys, I don’t think the falloff of America on the world stage has been emphasized enough. USA hegemony is fist-gripped sand. Hammer that home to the 55+ folks who would never believe USA isn’t #1. We’ve rocketed to an international joke. The public disgrace of the entire UN laughing in unison at Trump touting his phony accomplishments, the utter subservience to Putin onstage in Helsinki, good lord there’s too much. And how much of a bitch is he to Saudi Arabia? Not only Khashoggi, Trump lets Saudi citizens kill American citizens here and allows them to get skirted away by KSA with no repercussions (look up Fallon Smart, that’s my neighborhood). Everyone seems to have forgotten the absolute disgrace of Trump completely abandoning the Kurds, ask the troops how they feel about that one. Hammer home the fact that the US and South Korea both started dealing with rona at almost the exact same time; they put us to absolute shame in their efficiency and preparedness, and have an almost unbelievable lower death count. We presented Donald Trump to the world as our face, our rep, good god! Biden will just be a wicker bowl of grandma’s potpourri to try to mask the dump Trump has taken on our world relations and standing. Most of the world really thinks we’re not only a joke, but they’re starting to feel sorry for us. God our country is so high on its own shit.


Does Mark Zuckerberg personally phone every Facebook user he feels is close to crossing a line? No. In fact nobody else on Facebook could even get anyone to help them for anything.

Plus trump doesn’t even use Facebook. Zuckerberg is such a sleazebag.

He is the mike pence of Silicon Valley.


I don’t even know what they could do. In many places the court systems are closed or barely functioning.

I was reading some the other day that every felony case in New York requires a grand jury indictment and they have no clue how long it will be until people would even dare show up for jury duty.

Seems like DAs hands are tied in some jurisdictions where they are likely just doing like you said and issuing desk tickets.

Given the practical realities how about the DA tells the power hungry police to stop harassing misdemeanor violations at protests. I am sure they would get right on it.

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Would have loved to have heard the convo between him and pence.

Uh sir Mr president sir, amazing job you’re doing, just wondering if I could join you in the bunker sir?

Sorry Mike they said if I got rid of you there would be room for 10 more boxes of twinkies. Ten Mike. That’s a good deal. I’m the best at deals so i had to take that one.

Yes sir thank you sir.


So your saying that after the BIG, STRONG , Orange stud in the white house, issued a command to his moron supporters, they DIDNT ride to his rescue? Sounds kinda weak and impotent to me. He might want to rethink his strategy, now that most of his supporters cant seem to be bothered.

The average 73 year old male has a life expectancy of 12 years. Does Trump’s borderline obesity and sedentary lifestyle reduce that to 4, given that many 73 year olds have other conditions?

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As funny as I think all these memes and comments about Trump being a coward are, there’s a big part of me that thinks it’s a horrible mistake to antagonize him in this way, in that it will push him to take more actions he thinks make him look tough, like ordering the National Guard to fire live rounds on protestors or some other horrific shit.
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Wasn’t OWS a non-violent movement that saw people sitting in a park for like 6 months? (at least in NYC)