The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: retweets WHITE POWER, condemns Black Lives Matter, regrets criminal justice reform

Yes. But even though antifa basically didn’t exist then it’s more appropriate to call the Occupy movements antifa than the current ones.
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I feel like it would be a big mistake to give up on this too soon from the protesters’ perspective. Call this manbaby’s bluff and keep up the pressure. If this thing dissipates Trump is going to take a victory lap that will probably be effective politically. Not to mention once again no meaningful change will occur.

Speaking of which @jwax13 when/where are things organizing here in OKC today? I know there is a protest in Norman but haven’t heard anything for OKC today yet. We are back in town and the wife and I are heading out later.

He’s going to take a victory lap no matter what. Just like he’ll do some kind of kayfabe to the Macho Man tune, the country could be burning. I mean, we could be going through some kind of Cloverfield type attack of a killer monster and Trump is going to be sitting on his throne talking about how his shits just smell and taste better.

There’s no way to avoid him taking a victory lap. I guess the real question is if people laugh or not.


Many people are saying the white supremest groups were out there giving first aid to old ladies and sweeping up broken glass. Very fine people!

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He’s not going to refuse to leave the White House. He’s a pussy.

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We all know anarchists love tax increases!


Senile garbage pile sending the same tweet several times now.

Soros is paying them all ldo.
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Rig all the polls for the GOP. Please. Sincerely.

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Message would be a tad stronger with correct spelling.

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The loser Democrats are so awful that they’re barely beating us!

She also doesn’t hate Elizabeth Warren as much as she hates Trump. Tough beat.

Good point. It is also too big to display. I came across this while making one of my own this morning. I can at least realize this one so it displays :+1:

I was working on a brief cartoon animation of Trump as the This Is Fine dog inside or in front of a burning America, but it feels way too gauche right now.

The only thing that’s going to prevent Trump from doing something stupid and awful is dumb luck or winning the next election. Trying to walk on egg shells to avoid the random number generator from spitting out 13 is useless.