The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: retweets WHITE POWER, condemns Black Lives Matter, regrets criminal justice reform


But for all those polls he’s losing by double digits, the strategy would probably work.

He or she would be winning by double digits in every poll?

They also want to retcon themselves as “against evil” when Lee Atwater and Karl Rove are the forerunners of Trump.

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This has basically been Biden’s campaign motto.

I remember a few years back there was a video of Trump talking and a bunch of videos of black people being beaten and harassed in the 60s. Something about making america like it used to be. Anyone have that video? It was posted on 2+2 in one of the first 5 or so Trump threads I believe

Newt’s referencing the WTO protests in Seattle, which predate OWS.

Trump’s not an aberration

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“101st Airborne Division is a specialized modular light infantry division of the United States Army trained for air assault operations.”

Tom cotton suggesting we use our airforce to gun down American citizens. If Obama, or and Dem, ever made such a suggestion the collective outrage on the right would raise the global temperature by several degrees.


Being calling him borderline obese seems polite - he’s supposed to be 6’3" and 243 but I’d be shocked if he’s not closer to 265 (eyeballing) which kindly puts him in the moderately obese range, he looks like shit and slops himself on Big Macs.

I’d be on the under easily, especially as he’s got to have a decent chance of blowing a vessel in his brain as the year/election moves along.

But obviously who knows - I DONT want him to die, say in Sept. so he can be some sort of martyr for any reason - he needs to get crushed in November.



Doubtful this is the same one but here’s one in the same spirit

Its being used in an anti-Trump spot. Post #1984 of this thread.

Haven’t heard today and the okc blm page didn’t have anything.

He’ll refuse the same way a 5 year old refuses to eat his vegetables.

Coincidentally, putting all protesters in jail for 10 years stops them from voting against Donnie Dumb Dumb. Hmm …

“You’ve got to be more … what’s the word … Fascist - yes that’s it Fascist”


The Republican Motto (said out loud)

I shudder thinking of the vile abuse Trump inflicts on his own family to express himself and get what he wants.

Part of me thinks Donnie Diapers is too much of a coward to ever do anything crazy. The other part of me thinks we are heading towards the worst possible timeline just like we have with everything else.

That’s true of him personally, but with this sort of rhetoric flying around and so many different people in so many different situations then who knows. Plenty of examples where in the end no one really knows who fired the first shot.